Last night, I was swept up into the arms of both my Harmony and Mr. Kerry!
Oh, it was so good to see them both come pulling into the driveway! I had stewed and stewed all week, worrying about their safety. Between the weather channel, and our cell phones, I got Mr. Kerry across America. I am so thankful for modern conveniences that help to keep us safe and in touch. He encountered some pretty ferocious winds in Nebraska (Betty and I were complaining about that all the way across the state last April) and some very heavy snow in Idaho and Oregon. At one point, he stopped in a rest area. But, he knew if he stayed very long in one place, the snow would bury the car. He saw three snow plows go by, and at 4:00 am (Ohio time), he called to tell me he felt he should continue driving.
After leaving Monday morning, he arrived in Oregon Wednesday afternoon. He helped Harmony take care of some last-minute things, ate a good dinner she fixed, and got a good night's sleep. Thursday morning, he was on the road again, this time with Miss Harmony and her belongings. He encountered snows and winds again, but nothing quite like he'd experienced on the way out. I was SO relieved when I saw those lights in the driveway.
And, my Harmony seems good. I warned her ahead of time that good old mom and dad are somewhat boring - we don't go out much, we're not on the run as much and we eat differently than when we had a large family at home, and simple things satisfy us.
My week was spent alone with Mr. Eddie. He and I fought for the covers and the heating pad every night. He rooted me right to the edge of the bed, even nudging the heating pad over where he could have it all to himself. But, it was comforting have him as my little protector. One of my sisters asked me if I liked being alone. I reminded her that I had grown up alone, so it didn't really bother me.
Kerry and I celebrated our 33rd anniversary this past Wednesday - APART! The only other time that ever happened was the year Harmony was born, for I was still in the hospital after having her. But, at least we were in the same town. This time, I'm thankful we were in the same country.
But, it caused me to reflect on the good years of our marriage. That will be in my memory section later...
We thoroughly enjoyed the First Presidency Devotional tonight, and enjoyed seeing nephew David as he sang in the choir. It's such a wonderful and tender way to go into the Christmas season. It seems like there are many more people focusing on Christmas in a different way this year - instead of so much materialism, they are focusing on home and family and love.
This month, we wish a happy birthday to:
Bryce - son of Kerry's brother, Steve - Dec 2
MerryNoelle - dau of Kerry's sister, Content - Dec 4
Danny - stepson of Kerry's sister, Content - Dec 6
Chris - Kerry's brother - Dec 8
Sydnee - granddaughter of sister, Jean - Dec 8
Holly - d-i-l of Kerry's sister, Content - Dec 14
Kieryn - grandson of Kerry's sister, Joy - Dec 18
Christina - dau of Kerry's brother, Chris - Dec 20
Cory - grandson of sister, Jean - Dec 20
Brendan - son of Kerry's brother, Chris - Dec 26
Anna - granddaughter of Kerry's sister, Content - Dec 27
Noah - grandson of Kerry's sister, Joy - Dec 28
Paul - son of Kerry's brother, Chris - Dec 29
And a happy anniversary to:
Kerry & Peggy - US!!!! - Dec 1 - 33 years!!!!!
Becca & Brent - daughter and s-i-l of Kerry's brother, David - Dec 5
Steve & Keri - son and d-i-l of sister, Jean - Dec 7
And now, it's time for another Peggy memory...
I never expected to ever get married.
As a young girl, I was always heavy. Heavy girls are usually poked fun at, laughed at, have horrible sounds made when they pass by. It can do a lot of damage to one's self-image and self-esteem. Hence, I not only had low self-esteem as a youth, I had no self-esteem.
The Washington Temple was nearing its completion, and my parents and I were excited for the open house that would take place in the summer of 1974. I had never been near a temple before, and I fell in love with it immediately. It was so peaceful and serene there - I didn't want to leave. I went through on the tour at least twelve times.
Later that day, we drove on into Virginia. We stayed at a beautiful campground. My parents and I were discussing where we should go the next day. I immediately piped up and said I wanted to go back and tour the temple again. We did, and I went on 13 more tours.
I couldn't get enough.
My parents moved to work in the Washington Temple in Oct 1976. I was in awe as I watched them prepare to sell their home and make a new one in the Washington area. I wanted to be like them so much.
In March of 1977, I was invited to also work in the Washington Temple. I couldn't believe it, for I thought you had to be really special to work there. I made a special trip for an interview and was told that I was hired.
Little did I know that my path had already crossed with Mr. Kerry's path several times. He was on security during the open house. He was there to check cars at the gatehouse when my friend, Janet and I drove there for my interview.
I moved there April 14. I went through the temple April 15. I met Kerry April 16.
Kerry and I met while I was greeting another friend of mine in the temple cafeteria. I didn't think too much about him. But, apparently he saw something in me that peaked his interest. He called around and found out who I was, where I lived, and made contact with me. I didn't even remember him. He asked me out on a date, and since he worked at the temple, I said yes - even if I didn't remember him, I figure he's probably be safe.
Our first date was April 30. We went to a movie (Freaky Friday), had dinner, and went to a Baltimore Oriole's baseball game. I had a nice time, but I really wasn't that impressed with him. He greased his hair down and reminded me of Bowser from Sha-na-na.
He continued to ask me out. I agreed, but kept saying to myself that I probably wouldn't go out with him any more. But, I kept saying yes. I didn't want to hurt his feelings.
Toward the end of June, we were watching "Rich Man, Poor Man" at my parents' apartment. They had gone to bed. Kerry kept hanging on and on and not leaving. I was tired. I was bored. I was waiting for him to leave. I would lean on my hand and leave one eye open while the other slept for awhile. Then I would switch hands and switch eyes so the other eye slept for awhile.
Finally, I got up to use the bathroom, thinking he would get the message and leave. When I came back into the living room, he was kneeling on the floor praying. I didn't know what to think. When he finished, I sat down and waited some more. He remained on the floor.
In the next few minutes, he quietly asked me if I would be his wife for eternity. Good grief! I had to hold my face together to keep from laughing. I told him I would let him know before long.
A week went by. Sisters Fern and Jean and nephews Dave and Steve had come for a visit, and they all seemed to like him. Fern got his head down in the kitchen sink and washed his hair. I'm not sure if she used something like a Brillo pad or not, for his hair seemed to have a lot of grease on it. She blew it dry and he looked great!
One day, my dad asked me if I had given that young man an answer yet. I said no. He wondered why not! It wasn't fair to keep him hanging on. Was I waiting on God to straight out tell me?
I pretty much said that I was. He wagged his head and said I should know how to get an answer to a prayer. I needed to make my decision, then take it to the Lord for confirmation. I knew that - I just needed to be reminded.
I listed the pros and cons of Mr. Kerry. There were far more pros than there were cons. He was a good young man, he was worthy in every way to enter the temple every day, he held the priesthood, he was active in our religions, he cleaned up real good, etc.
But, I didn't love him.
My dad - my own father - reminded me to consider just how many people would be willing to live with me. Both my parents really liked him.
I made the decision to tell him yes. I wrote my answer on a card and quoted a verse from the book of Ruth - "Entreat me not to leave thee or refrain from following after thee. For whither though goest I will go. And whither thou lodgest I will lodge. Thy people will be my people and thy god my god."
Little did I know that at the same time I was in the temple praying earnestly about this, he was outside near some trees praying, as well.
He flipped out. We told my parents. He called his parents. We told temple workers. Every one was thrilled!!
Except me. I didn't love him.
He gave me my ring on my birthday. We flew to Utah in August so I could meet his parents and family. Things were in motion as we set our date for December 1.
But, I didn't love him.
The date was getting closer. One day in October, we were walking to my parents' apartment from the temple through a beautiful neighborhood. Soon, we heard a car turn onto the street we were walking on with some boys loudly shouting. We both bristled as we heard what could have been a gunshot or the car backfiring. In the Washington suburbs, it could be either one.
The car approached us with the boys yelling and the loud sound that scared us. As that "shot" came very close to us, Kerry immediately pushed me to the ground and covered my body with his. The car drove on past. When they were quite a distance away, Kerry helped me to my feet and made sure I was okay.
I looked at him a little bit differently beginning at that very moment. He was ready to protect my body with his at the risk of being injured! It was truly a turning point for me, for I had always wondered what would happen if I married him and somebody better came along.
I have grown to accept the fact that it would never happen. Nobody could ever come along. As I look back on the 33 years we've been married, I now realize how much the hand of the Lord took part in all of this. Kerry was born in California, at 16 he moved to Utah, served his mission in the Delaware/Maryland mission, returned there after his mission to work in the temple. I'm from Ohio - and yet we meet in the Washington area.
This was not by happenstance.
He is truly the best person I have ever known in my life. He makes me laugh. He adores me and has never said one bad thing about my cooking. He still opens doors for me and pouts if I jump out before letting him.
He's the man of my dream!
Happy Anniversary, dear Kerry! I love you so...
The couch Kerry was kneeling and praying at shortly before proposing to me.
One of his missionary cards.
When we flew to Utah to meet his parents and family, they took us on a mini-trip to Bryce canyon with his baby sister, Harmony. As we were hiking in the canyon, I saw a beautiful scene, and prepared to take a shot. Right then, he jumped off a rock and "ruined" my picture. This has now become my favorite picture of all time.
His mom took some semi-formal pictures on their circular staircase.
Yeah - and we're still in love...
Our anniversary has always meant a lot to us - and to our children! They would always be celebrating right along with us. And, they have never failed to get in contact with us on our special day.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Brrr! We are burrowed up in our warm, cozy home while the winds blow and howl and the snow piles up. This is truly winter in Ohio. And, it reminds me of the winters I grew up with.
I sometimes felt like Laura Ingalls Wilder, for there were times when the snow was nearly up to the top of our long, skinny windows. My dad had to burrow a tunnel out our front door one time so he could get out to his truck and put chains on his tires. He was not one to be late for work. He just made sure he got up earlier if the weather was bad.
This was Miss Harmony's first full week at home, and I have been so grateful to have her here. She has been very helpful and easy to get along with as she finds her niche with us again. This afternoon found her out shoveling the walks and the driveway. She was a machine!
We have also enjoyed some shopping, some really good meals, and the Christmas party at the church Friday night. And, while Kerry and I were at the temple on Friday, she took care of some things around the house for us.
Yep, it's good having her here.
We spent a long and cozy afternoon at home today, for church was let out early today due to the snowstorm. Our evening was spent wrapping presents.
I am thank Kerry's sister Joy let me know about her grandson Garin's birthday on Dec 31, I didn't have him on my list!!! Thank you so much for that, for I really want to know if I'm leaving anyone out. I may be a genealogist, but the living are important to me, too!
And now, for this week's memory missive:
Jordan, our third child, was an absolute doll. He was cuddly, bright, charming, and could worm his way into just about anyone's heart. To see him was to love him.
One of the things I remember took place around our dinner table. It was a place of a lot of festivity and talking. We would ask about each other's day, about the best part of their day, Kerry would ask questions about US History, the Gospel, give them math problems, etc.
But, each meal began with a prayer - asking the Lord's blessing on the food and showing our gratitude for it.
One day, it was Jordan's turn to say the blessing on the food. Like many little children are prone to do, he folded his arms on the table, plopped his head down on them, and proceeded to pray. The problem was that his mouth and voice were pointed toward the floor.
No one could hear or understand anything.
At the end of it, he raised his head up and looked around. I had one eye open, so I knew the prayer was over. Everyone said "Amen" except me.
I told him, "Jordan, I'm not going to say amen because I didn't hear a word you said."
He looked at me and said, "I wasn't talking to you!"
Jordan. You gotta love him...
A happy little feller...
At just about the age the "prayer" happened.
He and Erik have always been close - just 10 months apart in age.
On a trip to Utah.
Loving his Aunt Harmony.
He can still give you this look when he's sizing you up.
I caught him reading all the time.
Sizing up his new baby brother, just 10 months younger than him.
And today, he is a really good husband to Melissa and a fun father to the three little grandboys.
You gotta love Jordan!
I sometimes felt like Laura Ingalls Wilder, for there were times when the snow was nearly up to the top of our long, skinny windows. My dad had to burrow a tunnel out our front door one time so he could get out to his truck and put chains on his tires. He was not one to be late for work. He just made sure he got up earlier if the weather was bad.
This was Miss Harmony's first full week at home, and I have been so grateful to have her here. She has been very helpful and easy to get along with as she finds her niche with us again. This afternoon found her out shoveling the walks and the driveway. She was a machine!
We have also enjoyed some shopping, some really good meals, and the Christmas party at the church Friday night. And, while Kerry and I were at the temple on Friday, she took care of some things around the house for us.
Yep, it's good having her here.
We spent a long and cozy afternoon at home today, for church was let out early today due to the snowstorm. Our evening was spent wrapping presents.
I am thank Kerry's sister Joy let me know about her grandson Garin's birthday on Dec 31, I didn't have him on my list!!! Thank you so much for that, for I really want to know if I'm leaving anyone out. I may be a genealogist, but the living are important to me, too!
And now, for this week's memory missive:
Jordan, our third child, was an absolute doll. He was cuddly, bright, charming, and could worm his way into just about anyone's heart. To see him was to love him.
One of the things I remember took place around our dinner table. It was a place of a lot of festivity and talking. We would ask about each other's day, about the best part of their day, Kerry would ask questions about US History, the Gospel, give them math problems, etc.
But, each meal began with a prayer - asking the Lord's blessing on the food and showing our gratitude for it.
One day, it was Jordan's turn to say the blessing on the food. Like many little children are prone to do, he folded his arms on the table, plopped his head down on them, and proceeded to pray. The problem was that his mouth and voice were pointed toward the floor.
No one could hear or understand anything.
At the end of it, he raised his head up and looked around. I had one eye open, so I knew the prayer was over. Everyone said "Amen" except me.
I told him, "Jordan, I'm not going to say amen because I didn't hear a word you said."
He looked at me and said, "I wasn't talking to you!"
Jordan. You gotta love him...
A happy little feller...
At just about the age the "prayer" happened.
He and Erik have always been close - just 10 months apart in age.
On a trip to Utah.
Loving his Aunt Harmony.
He can still give you this look when he's sizing you up.
I caught him reading all the time.
Sizing up his new baby brother, just 10 months younger than him.
And today, he is a really good husband to Melissa and a fun father to the three little grandboys.
You gotta love Jordan!
Monday, November 29, 2010
A wonderful Christmas gift
I waited to write this missive until today for a very special reason. I'll tell you later...
I finished up my series of genealogy classes last week and said good-bye to a great group of people. I just fell in love with them, for they are from a small town, and I LOVE small-town America. I wished them all luck in their research.
A few days later came my favorite day of the year!! I LOVE Thanksgiving!!! I love the feelings, the smells, the wonderful aromas drifting from the kitchen, the feeling of wanting to return home. Sometimes I wish I could return to my mom and dad's home just for a little bit.
We rode up to sister Ferne's place with Jean and Earl. It just makes more sense to all travel together when we're going to the same place. I wasn't feeling particularly well that day - it all goes back to the bowel obstruction I had a couple of years ago. I did the best I could to keep a chipper face, for I didn't want to be a downer. I didn't really care how I felt. I was just so thankful to be with family - and that I have a family to be with.
The next day at the temple was another one of the busiest ever. The day after Thanksgiving typically is. I'm so glad I wasn't out with the shoppers who braved the crowds on Black Friday. I used to do that with all of my kids, but no more.
And now for the reason I am writing this a day late:
It was 29 years ago today that Kerry and I were holding a sweet baby girl in our arms.
Peter was 2 1/2 years old, and we were ready for another baby. From the very beginning, we knew this baby would be a girl. Don't ask me how - we just knew. So, on the evening of 28 Nov 1981, the nesting urges began and I was washing the clothes and cleaning the house. Bob and Linda Rivers came to pick up Peter, and Kerry took me to the hospital about 9:00 pm.
It was to be a long night. A very, very long night. The pain was the worst I had ever felt, and would ever feel. Due to some complications, they could give me no epidural or pain medications of any kind. I can remember the doctor saying, "We're losing them both..."
We both survived. She was my only child born with hair, yet they had to shave part of her pretty little brown hair off to give her vitamin K.
She played baby Jesus in our church's Christmas play that year. While "Mary" was singing a lullaby to her, she sneezed in Mary's face.
We didn't have much money that year for Christmas, but there is one memory that will always stay in my mind. I had fed her and bundled her up in her little sleeper and blanket and placed her under the Christmas tree. She laid there so sweetly looking up at the lights. Soon, Peter came over and laid beside her. He began talking to her and stroking her little hands and face. I sat there with tears in my eyes as I thought about how rich Kerry and I were.
Now, Mr. Kerry is on his way to Oregon to bring her home. So, once more we will welcome sweet Harmony into our home again. She's been away for a number of years - in the Army, out of the Army, in Hawaii, in Oregon... But now, it's time to come home and recharge for a bit.
And, it's okay. Come on home...
Harmony on her first day of life. I was 26 years old.
Harmony at 3 months
Peter and Harmony, when he realized she was here to stay
Harmony at just about a year
She and Peter all dressed up to go to church
What a happy little baby girl
Harmony at about 3 years old
She liked cats - they didn't always like her
Kerry and Harmony on the day he baptized her at age 8
She traveled all over the country with us
This is my all-time favorite picture of Harmony. We had lots of campouts and cookouts in our back field. Sister Jean had given us some day-old donuts, so Harmony put one on a stick and roasted it. It was actually pretty good...
A happy-go-lucky girl...
She and Peter used to sing together
She was named after her Aunt Harmony, Kerry's youngest sister
Harmony at graduation
She was in the cast in the Hill Cumorah Pageant
She served her country
Come on home, Harmony. Your room is ready and your warm bed with flannel sheets is waiting for you...
I finished up my series of genealogy classes last week and said good-bye to a great group of people. I just fell in love with them, for they are from a small town, and I LOVE small-town America. I wished them all luck in their research.
A few days later came my favorite day of the year!! I LOVE Thanksgiving!!! I love the feelings, the smells, the wonderful aromas drifting from the kitchen, the feeling of wanting to return home. Sometimes I wish I could return to my mom and dad's home just for a little bit.
We rode up to sister Ferne's place with Jean and Earl. It just makes more sense to all travel together when we're going to the same place. I wasn't feeling particularly well that day - it all goes back to the bowel obstruction I had a couple of years ago. I did the best I could to keep a chipper face, for I didn't want to be a downer. I didn't really care how I felt. I was just so thankful to be with family - and that I have a family to be with.
The next day at the temple was another one of the busiest ever. The day after Thanksgiving typically is. I'm so glad I wasn't out with the shoppers who braved the crowds on Black Friday. I used to do that with all of my kids, but no more.
And now for the reason I am writing this a day late:
It was 29 years ago today that Kerry and I were holding a sweet baby girl in our arms.
Peter was 2 1/2 years old, and we were ready for another baby. From the very beginning, we knew this baby would be a girl. Don't ask me how - we just knew. So, on the evening of 28 Nov 1981, the nesting urges began and I was washing the clothes and cleaning the house. Bob and Linda Rivers came to pick up Peter, and Kerry took me to the hospital about 9:00 pm.
It was to be a long night. A very, very long night. The pain was the worst I had ever felt, and would ever feel. Due to some complications, they could give me no epidural or pain medications of any kind. I can remember the doctor saying, "We're losing them both..."
We both survived. She was my only child born with hair, yet they had to shave part of her pretty little brown hair off to give her vitamin K.
She played baby Jesus in our church's Christmas play that year. While "Mary" was singing a lullaby to her, she sneezed in Mary's face.
We didn't have much money that year for Christmas, but there is one memory that will always stay in my mind. I had fed her and bundled her up in her little sleeper and blanket and placed her under the Christmas tree. She laid there so sweetly looking up at the lights. Soon, Peter came over and laid beside her. He began talking to her and stroking her little hands and face. I sat there with tears in my eyes as I thought about how rich Kerry and I were.
Now, Mr. Kerry is on his way to Oregon to bring her home. So, once more we will welcome sweet Harmony into our home again. She's been away for a number of years - in the Army, out of the Army, in Hawaii, in Oregon... But now, it's time to come home and recharge for a bit.
And, it's okay. Come on home...
Harmony on her first day of life. I was 26 years old.
Harmony at 3 months
Peter and Harmony, when he realized she was here to stay
Harmony at just about a year
She and Peter all dressed up to go to church
What a happy little baby girl
Harmony at about 3 years old
She liked cats - they didn't always like her
Kerry and Harmony on the day he baptized her at age 8
She traveled all over the country with us
This is my all-time favorite picture of Harmony. We had lots of campouts and cookouts in our back field. Sister Jean had given us some day-old donuts, so Harmony put one on a stick and roasted it. It was actually pretty good...
A happy-go-lucky girl...
She and Peter used to sing together
She was named after her Aunt Harmony, Kerry's youngest sister
Harmony at graduation
She was in the cast in the Hill Cumorah Pageant
She served her country
Come on home, Harmony. Your room is ready and your warm bed with flannel sheets is waiting for you...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
So many reasons...
Oh, yes. I have so many reasons to be thankful this week.
Sometimes when I really stop and think about all I have to be thankful for, I get a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. My blessings abound.
I am grateful that I have a reasonable about of knowledge stored in my brain. I try to keep myself fresh and learning on a daily basis. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn't. This past week, I began a series of genealogy classes at a local library in a small town close by. I'm grateful that people think I may have something to offer.
I'm grateful for the musical talent I possess, and hope that it has enhanced the lives of the people around me. For the past couple of weeks, I worked closely with others in our ward that are talented, and they assisted me in the music for today's services. People were spellbound. Some even mentioned they could have just listened to the music the whole time and nothing else! I'm grate for music and what it has meant to me in my life.
I am grateful for the church that has been a part of my life all of my life. The teachings of the gospel have helped get me through some of the toughest things I thought I would never have to face. Those teachings gave me hope. They gave me strength.
I am even grateful for little Mr. Eddie. He is a little protector of our home. He has his place here. This past week, one of my dearest friends that I've known since I was six years old was robbed. Her dog was put down last week. She was robbed this week. They ransacked her home, and stole her mother's gold jewelry and her father's coins - both of whom are deceased. My heart has just ached for her all week. I wondered what I would do. If I were here, Mr. Eddie would probably alert me, for he even despises Mr. Brown (the UPS man). If I weren't here, he may die trying to protect his domain. He's little - only 8 lbs. But, he's a joy and a comfort to us - and a bit of an assurance to us. Our little protector...
I am grateful for each of you that receives this email. Sometimes I wonder why I still do it. But, each of you has meant something to me, or you wouldn't be included on the list. Forgive me if I get long-winded or preachy. all know where 'DELETE' is.
I am grateful for computers and technology that allows each of us to keep in contact with each other. I have been able to rejoice as I hear about the good news in your lives, mourn when the news is sad, and reach out when a pat on the back is needed.
But most of all, I am thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday. It is perhaps the one holiday that all of us can agree on in commonality. What one of us is not bowing our head in thanks as we look around us at what could be? This holiday is my favorite holiday. We have the opportunity to pause and remember the great blessings in our lives - our families, our children, our grandchildren, our spouses, our parents, our health, our homes...oh, I could make a list that would never, ever end.
God bless you all this Thanksgiving week.
And now, for my memory of the week...
I was six years old, and I was lost.
Quite often, my parents and sometimes my sisters would travel to Palmyra, New York to view the Hill Cumorah Pageant. It is the one of the largest outdoor pageants in America, and quite possibly the world, with a cast of 700. Nightly attendance averages 10,000 and more. Our family had the opportunity to be in the cast on several occasions. It was one of the highlights of our lives.
When I was about six, my parents and I were there with sister Ferne. I can't remember if any other of my sisters were there or not. I just know that we had been sitting in our seats for a long time and were waiting for the time when the pageant would begin.
Since I was young and a bit squirrelly, I was hopping up and down and trying to convince my mom that I needed to go to the bathroom. She was hesitant, for she really didn't want to leave her seat. Ferne said to just go ahead and let me go, and told me the exact route to take up through all of the people to get to the restrooms. It really wasn't very complicated. But, I was six.
I came back out, looked around and couldn't remember the route. It was really just a straight walk down an aisle, but I was six.
I began to cry. There was a light rain that was threatening us. I had on a blue and red plaid raincoat. As more time went by, I began to get terrified. I saw a sea of faces and knew I'd never see my mom again!
I cried more. Soon, a man picked me up and dried my eyes and helped me blow my nose. He had me stand on one of the benches and helped me look out over the crowd.
I soon spotted my mom!!! She had begun to worry and was going up and down the aisles looking for me. When she saw me standing on that bench, she pushed through the crowd, thanked the man, and held my hand tightly back to our seats.
I felt so safe and secure. Relief just swept over me. Mom later told me I looked so forlorn when she saw me - and I was just as cold and blue as the blue in my raincoat.
Peggy at six years old.
I guess as a result of that experience, I worried that the same thing would happen when I began to have my own little family. I thought the best way to help prevent this was to have something identifiable on us so that we could see each other better. Shirts were the best idea.
My good friend, Waunita, told me that when she and her husband took their boys to Sea World, they did that very thing. Except - there were lots of school children there that day and they all had the same color of shirts on!
So, when we went to Disneyland, I had all of us wear red shirts. Sure enough, there was a sea of red shirts there that day! But, there was one man in a yellow t-shirt that I could spot anywhere in the park. (Yellow stands out particularly well for our eyes. That's why we have black on yellow for our "warning" road signs - Merge, Railroad, etc.)
Also, when we dressed alike, not only was it easier to spot my kids, but it was easy for them to spot us, too! They could tell a cop or an information person or a store clerk exactly what their parents were wearing...
I might add that we don't all dress alike now. They're on their own.
Sometimes when I really stop and think about all I have to be thankful for, I get a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. My blessings abound.
I am grateful that I have a reasonable about of knowledge stored in my brain. I try to keep myself fresh and learning on a daily basis. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn't. This past week, I began a series of genealogy classes at a local library in a small town close by. I'm grateful that people think I may have something to offer.
I'm grateful for the musical talent I possess, and hope that it has enhanced the lives of the people around me. For the past couple of weeks, I worked closely with others in our ward that are talented, and they assisted me in the music for today's services. People were spellbound. Some even mentioned they could have just listened to the music the whole time and nothing else! I'm grate for music and what it has meant to me in my life.
I am grateful for the church that has been a part of my life all of my life. The teachings of the gospel have helped get me through some of the toughest things I thought I would never have to face. Those teachings gave me hope. They gave me strength.
I am even grateful for little Mr. Eddie. He is a little protector of our home. He has his place here. This past week, one of my dearest friends that I've known since I was six years old was robbed. Her dog was put down last week. She was robbed this week. They ransacked her home, and stole her mother's gold jewelry and her father's coins - both of whom are deceased. My heart has just ached for her all week. I wondered what I would do. If I were here, Mr. Eddie would probably alert me, for he even despises Mr. Brown (the UPS man). If I weren't here, he may die trying to protect his domain. He's little - only 8 lbs. But, he's a joy and a comfort to us - and a bit of an assurance to us. Our little protector...
I am grateful for each of you that receives this email. Sometimes I wonder why I still do it. But, each of you has meant something to me, or you wouldn't be included on the list. Forgive me if I get long-winded or preachy. all know where 'DELETE' is.
I am grateful for computers and technology that allows each of us to keep in contact with each other. I have been able to rejoice as I hear about the good news in your lives, mourn when the news is sad, and reach out when a pat on the back is needed.
But most of all, I am thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday. It is perhaps the one holiday that all of us can agree on in commonality. What one of us is not bowing our head in thanks as we look around us at what could be? This holiday is my favorite holiday. We have the opportunity to pause and remember the great blessings in our lives - our families, our children, our grandchildren, our spouses, our parents, our health, our homes...oh, I could make a list that would never, ever end.
God bless you all this Thanksgiving week.
And now, for my memory of the week...
I was six years old, and I was lost.
Quite often, my parents and sometimes my sisters would travel to Palmyra, New York to view the Hill Cumorah Pageant. It is the one of the largest outdoor pageants in America, and quite possibly the world, with a cast of 700. Nightly attendance averages 10,000 and more. Our family had the opportunity to be in the cast on several occasions. It was one of the highlights of our lives.
When I was about six, my parents and I were there with sister Ferne. I can't remember if any other of my sisters were there or not. I just know that we had been sitting in our seats for a long time and were waiting for the time when the pageant would begin.
Since I was young and a bit squirrelly, I was hopping up and down and trying to convince my mom that I needed to go to the bathroom. She was hesitant, for she really didn't want to leave her seat. Ferne said to just go ahead and let me go, and told me the exact route to take up through all of the people to get to the restrooms. It really wasn't very complicated. But, I was six.
I came back out, looked around and couldn't remember the route. It was really just a straight walk down an aisle, but I was six.
I began to cry. There was a light rain that was threatening us. I had on a blue and red plaid raincoat. As more time went by, I began to get terrified. I saw a sea of faces and knew I'd never see my mom again!
I cried more. Soon, a man picked me up and dried my eyes and helped me blow my nose. He had me stand on one of the benches and helped me look out over the crowd.
I soon spotted my mom!!! She had begun to worry and was going up and down the aisles looking for me. When she saw me standing on that bench, she pushed through the crowd, thanked the man, and held my hand tightly back to our seats.
I felt so safe and secure. Relief just swept over me. Mom later told me I looked so forlorn when she saw me - and I was just as cold and blue as the blue in my raincoat.
Peggy at six years old.
I guess as a result of that experience, I worried that the same thing would happen when I began to have my own little family. I thought the best way to help prevent this was to have something identifiable on us so that we could see each other better. Shirts were the best idea.
My good friend, Waunita, told me that when she and her husband took their boys to Sea World, they did that very thing. Except - there were lots of school children there that day and they all had the same color of shirts on!
So, when we went to Disneyland, I had all of us wear red shirts. Sure enough, there was a sea of red shirts there that day! But, there was one man in a yellow t-shirt that I could spot anywhere in the park. (Yellow stands out particularly well for our eyes. That's why we have black on yellow for our "warning" road signs - Merge, Railroad, etc.)
Also, when we dressed alike, not only was it easier to spot my kids, but it was easy for them to spot us, too! They could tell a cop or an information person or a store clerk exactly what their parents were wearing...
I might add that we don't all dress alike now. They're on their own.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The home of the brave...
This has been a week to be thankful that we live in America. How privileged we are to be able to worship, to speak and to vote as we feel is the right way. And, what a blessing to be living here. I was fortunate to be born here, as well. I have been blessed richly.
Kerry and I did our patriotic duty by voting, then enjoyed the rest of a busy week. We ran quite a few errands this week, I worked with some people on music for the holidays, and we kicked back and relaxed a few days, too. It was very, very cold on some days, but this week we will be experiencing Indian summer. They call it Indian summer because the pioneers and early settlers would spent the end of summer and early fall preparing for the coming winter. They gathered up foodstores and made clothing that would keep them warm. Then, after a killing frost or a hoar frost, there would usually be one more short gap of warm weather. That's when the Indians would play out their last attacks on the settlers - hence, Indian summer.
Aren't I smart? Well, it appears that way...
Again, I have been surprised by the number of people commenting on the little historical missives I have been putting at the end of my missives. Last week's adventure of a young Kerry in the bathtub seemed to strike a resonance. I am saving all of these and putting them into a separate file. Perhaps someone will want them compiled someday. Who knows?
However, this week's historical missive is one that has been printed before. And, I will print it again and again, for it is near and dear to my heart. It is long. It is my salute to the veterans in my family, whose special holiday we will all celebrate this Thursday. If you know of any that I have left out, PLEASE do not hesitate to let me know. They deserve to be remembered...
I am the descendant, the mother, the sister-in-law and the relative of many, many good men and women who served our country. The older I get, the more I come to appreciate the great sacrifice they were willing to make to make and keep our country safe. Some joined in times of war. Some joined in times of peace, but were ready to defend in case of war. Here is my salute to them:
Chester Clemens - my father, who served at Pearl Harbor in WWII
Orson Lauritzen - Kerry's father, who served on a ship near Japan in WWII
Harmony and Jordan - my two middle children who served in the Army
Erik - our youngest son who served in the Army
Kerry's brother, Bill, who was killed in a Jeep accident in Germany at age 19
Kerry's brother, Steve - who served in Viet Nam
Kerry's brothers, Kelly - Lt. Col. in the Army (w/wife, Marion) and Chris - Col. in the Air Force
Kerry's sister, Charm - who I believed served in the Army (or National Guard?)
Paul, who is the son of Kerry's brother, Chris
Brendan, who is the son of Kerry's brother, Chris
Pete - husband of sister, Betty, who served in the Air Force
Jim, husband of sister Ferne, who served in the Navy
Jack Monihan - Kerry's uncle, married to Orson's sister, Olive
Vaughn Kent Lauritzen - brother of Kerry's father, Orson
Wilson Lauritzen - brother of Kerry's father, Orson
This is a true story published that happened to my Dad in World War II as related by the Prophet Spencer W. Kimball. (related by Lita Lauritzen Burton)
Priesthood Power
"Priesthood nor its power knows the limitations of national boundaries. This was demonstrated many times in the conflict known as World War II. This is the story from the lips of Wilson P. Lauritzen:
We were fighting in the 'Battle of the Bulge' near the town of Ammonius, Belgium. By that time the Germans were on the defensive. We had just succeeded in cutting off or surrounding a sector of the German line. They were surrendering in large numbers. As we were disarming the soldiers, one of them said to me in broken English: 'Would you know if there are any Mormon soldiers in your unit?' I replied, 'Yes, I am a Mormon.' He asked, 'Do you hold the Priesthood?' 'Yes, I do,' I answered. 'I was married in the temple.' 'Would you be so kind as to come with me to that shell hole over there and administer to my buddy? He is pretty well shaken up, and pretty badly wounded.' Of course I consented to go. We found that his buddy was in a bad condition and was suffering much pain. Then the two of us, who a few short hours before had been on opposite sides in the bitter struggle, knelt down and administered to the wounded lad. And as we did so, I felt the spirit of the Lord very strongly. I know that that feeling was shared by them, too. As we finished, the litter-bearers were there. We lifted the broken body to the stretcher. Then our ways parted: the wounded boy was taken to the hospital; the German solder was sent back with other prisoners, and I went on with my other duties."
By Spencer W. Kimball Story Teller's Scrapbook Compiled by Albert L. Zobell
Richard Stevens - youngest brother of my mom, Ida Stevens Clemens
Thearl Stevens and wife Bertha - favorite brother of my mom, Ida
Thomas Clemens - son of my dad's oldest brother, Russell
Charles Clemens - my dad's brother
Edd Walker - granduncle of my dad, Chester Clemens
Will Walker - son of the above Edd Walker
Levi Wheeler Cline - one of my grandfathers in the Civil War
Dr. Thomas Walker - an early American explorer who we "may" connect as a shirttail relative
Robert H Stephens - one of my grandfathers who was in the Civil War
John Mullins - another one of my grandfathers
Oh, there are many, many more whose pictures I don't have, but commemorate this missive to their memory, anyway. I have found wonderful stories about them, and will include a couple of those.
!HAMMAN, PHIL. On Saturday, July 3, 1830, the fifty-fifth anniversary of American independence was celebrated at Bellefonte, Jackson Co, AL, at which among other participants were several Revolutionary patriots. After the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Henry F. Scruggs and the delivery of an oration by Hon. Samuel Moore, the company sat down to a plentiful dinner. After this many patriotic toasts were drunk. Only one, and that because of the historic fact it evoked, is here produced:
"By L. James, Esq. 'Capt. Phil HAMMAN: The Savior of Greenbrier - tho' his history is but little known, his intrepidity and patriotism are not let worthy of our commendation.' After the drinking of this toast, the old soldier rose and said: He thanked the gentlemen for introducing his name on an occasion where he had already been too much honored. Tho' his history was not much known, he could not object to have the transactions of his life divulged to the world. For nine years he had been in the wars of his country - during a greater part of which he had been engaged in the most dangerous parts of Indian service. He had suffered much; on one occasion he had been stripped by savage rapacity of every vestige of property he possessed, even the clothing of himself and family - one of his children fell a victim to their cruelty. But not to dwell on the dangers he had endured, he would merely speak of the occasion so kindly alluded to in the toast. When stationed at Fort Randolph, at the mouth of the Big Kanawha, nine hundred Indians set off in a body to make an unexpected attack on the inhabitants of Greenbrier, Virginia. Two men were dispatched to apprize the people in that quarter of their approaching danger. In three days they returned, wounded, and in despair; others were sought for who would carry the express; none were found willing to engage in so dangerous and hopeless an undertaking when he and one John Pryor (who was afterwards killed by the Indians) painted and dressed in Indian garb set off, and in forty-eight hours travelled one hundred and sixty miles through the wilderness; they overtook the Indians within twelve miles of the white settlements, passed through their camps, and gave timely warning to the people of their impending danger. Such preparations were made for security and defense as the occasion permitted. About daylight a violent attack was made on Fort Donley; the conflict was desperate - the door of the Fort was broken open - he stood in it, and resisted the enemy - 'till it could be shut and fasted. The foe were repelled with great loss, and the country saved from savage barbarity. He said that although he was old and poor, and had not received the compensation promised him by his country, yet he thanked God he was in peace and safety, and could live 'without the aid of public or private charity.' He then offered the following sentiment: "OUR RULERS: May they be just men, fearing God, and hating covetousness." Southern Advocate, Huntsville, July 10, 1830.
Zachariah Johnston's beautiful home, which is on the Historical Register and is for sale for $1,750,000 (I WANT it!) was a wonderful patriot.
Johnston was a prosperous farmer by the time the American Revolution began. In 1776, he was appointed a captain in the county militia. Johnston's company actively patrolled against Indian uprisings, and, in 1781, participated in the Virginia campaign which led to Lord Cornwallis' surrender. Representing Augusta County in the House of Delegates from 1778 to 1791, Johnston was chair of the House committee on religion and helped pass the "act for establishing religious freedom" in 1786.
Zechariah JOHNSTON was a personal friend and political ally of Thomas Jefferson. His presentation of the Hanover Memorials to the Virginia Assembly and his advocating the ideas of religious freedom held by his constituents, no doubt, had very great weight with Mr. Jefferson in formulating his bill "for establishing religious freedom," which became law in 1786. Mr. Jefferson, when leaving for a federal appointment, left his bill for religious liberty in the capable hands of James Madison."Mr. Chairman, I am a Presbyterian, a rigid Presbyterian as we are called; my parents before me were of the same profession; I was educated in that line. Since I became a man, I have examined for myself; and I have seen no cause to dissent. But, sir, the very day that the Presbyterians shall be established by law, and become a body politic, the same day Zachariah JOHNSTON will be a dissenter. Dissent from that religion I cannot in honesty, but from that establishement I will." And his name goes down to posterity in favor of the passage of the act for establishing Religious Freedom.One of his famous statements:
"Mr. Chairman, I am a Presbyterian, a rigid Presbyterian as we are called; my parents before me were of the same profession; I was educated in that line. Since I became a man, I have examined for myself; and I have seen no cause to dissent. But, sir, the very day that the Presbyterians shall be established by law, and become a body politic, the same day Zachariah JOHNSTON will be a dissenter. Dissent from that religion I cannot in honesty, but from that establishement I will." And his name goes down to posterity in favor of the passage of the act for establishing Religious Freedom.
May God bless these good men and women. I honor them, and will continue to honor them by posting this missive each and every time it is appropriate. And, as a genealogist, I will continue to look for and will find many more.
Bless their good hearts!
Taken at the Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, HI on our trip to see Harmony, 2005
Kerry and I did our patriotic duty by voting, then enjoyed the rest of a busy week. We ran quite a few errands this week, I worked with some people on music for the holidays, and we kicked back and relaxed a few days, too. It was very, very cold on some days, but this week we will be experiencing Indian summer. They call it Indian summer because the pioneers and early settlers would spent the end of summer and early fall preparing for the coming winter. They gathered up foodstores and made clothing that would keep them warm. Then, after a killing frost or a hoar frost, there would usually be one more short gap of warm weather. That's when the Indians would play out their last attacks on the settlers - hence, Indian summer.
Aren't I smart? Well, it appears that way...
Again, I have been surprised by the number of people commenting on the little historical missives I have been putting at the end of my missives. Last week's adventure of a young Kerry in the bathtub seemed to strike a resonance. I am saving all of these and putting them into a separate file. Perhaps someone will want them compiled someday. Who knows?
However, this week's historical missive is one that has been printed before. And, I will print it again and again, for it is near and dear to my heart. It is long. It is my salute to the veterans in my family, whose special holiday we will all celebrate this Thursday. If you know of any that I have left out, PLEASE do not hesitate to let me know. They deserve to be remembered...
I am the descendant, the mother, the sister-in-law and the relative of many, many good men and women who served our country. The older I get, the more I come to appreciate the great sacrifice they were willing to make to make and keep our country safe. Some joined in times of war. Some joined in times of peace, but were ready to defend in case of war. Here is my salute to them:
Chester Clemens - my father, who served at Pearl Harbor in WWII
Orson Lauritzen - Kerry's father, who served on a ship near Japan in WWII
Harmony and Jordan - my two middle children who served in the Army
Erik - our youngest son who served in the Army
Kerry's brother, Bill, who was killed in a Jeep accident in Germany at age 19
Kerry's brother, Steve - who served in Viet Nam
Kerry's brothers, Kelly - Lt. Col. in the Army (w/wife, Marion) and Chris - Col. in the Air Force
Kerry's sister, Charm - who I believed served in the Army (or National Guard?)
Paul, who is the son of Kerry's brother, Chris
Brendan, who is the son of Kerry's brother, Chris
Pete - husband of sister, Betty, who served in the Air Force
Jim, husband of sister Ferne, who served in the Navy
Jack Monihan - Kerry's uncle, married to Orson's sister, Olive
Vaughn Kent Lauritzen - brother of Kerry's father, Orson
Wilson Lauritzen - brother of Kerry's father, Orson
This is a true story published that happened to my Dad in World War II as related by the Prophet Spencer W. Kimball. (related by Lita Lauritzen Burton)
Priesthood Power
"Priesthood nor its power knows the limitations of national boundaries. This was demonstrated many times in the conflict known as World War II. This is the story from the lips of Wilson P. Lauritzen:
We were fighting in the 'Battle of the Bulge' near the town of Ammonius, Belgium. By that time the Germans were on the defensive. We had just succeeded in cutting off or surrounding a sector of the German line. They were surrendering in large numbers. As we were disarming the soldiers, one of them said to me in broken English: 'Would you know if there are any Mormon soldiers in your unit?' I replied, 'Yes, I am a Mormon.' He asked, 'Do you hold the Priesthood?' 'Yes, I do,' I answered. 'I was married in the temple.' 'Would you be so kind as to come with me to that shell hole over there and administer to my buddy? He is pretty well shaken up, and pretty badly wounded.' Of course I consented to go. We found that his buddy was in a bad condition and was suffering much pain. Then the two of us, who a few short hours before had been on opposite sides in the bitter struggle, knelt down and administered to the wounded lad. And as we did so, I felt the spirit of the Lord very strongly. I know that that feeling was shared by them, too. As we finished, the litter-bearers were there. We lifted the broken body to the stretcher. Then our ways parted: the wounded boy was taken to the hospital; the German solder was sent back with other prisoners, and I went on with my other duties."
By Spencer W. Kimball Story Teller's Scrapbook Compiled by Albert L. Zobell
Richard Stevens - youngest brother of my mom, Ida Stevens Clemens
Thearl Stevens and wife Bertha - favorite brother of my mom, Ida
Thomas Clemens - son of my dad's oldest brother, Russell
Charles Clemens - my dad's brother
Edd Walker - granduncle of my dad, Chester Clemens
Will Walker - son of the above Edd Walker
Levi Wheeler Cline - one of my grandfathers in the Civil War
Dr. Thomas Walker - an early American explorer who we "may" connect as a shirttail relative
Robert H Stephens - one of my grandfathers who was in the Civil War
John Mullins - another one of my grandfathers
Oh, there are many, many more whose pictures I don't have, but commemorate this missive to their memory, anyway. I have found wonderful stories about them, and will include a couple of those.
!HAMMAN, PHIL. On Saturday, July 3, 1830, the fifty-fifth anniversary of American independence was celebrated at Bellefonte, Jackson Co, AL, at which among other participants were several Revolutionary patriots. After the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Henry F. Scruggs and the delivery of an oration by Hon. Samuel Moore, the company sat down to a plentiful dinner. After this many patriotic toasts were drunk. Only one, and that because of the historic fact it evoked, is here produced:
"By L. James, Esq. 'Capt. Phil HAMMAN: The Savior of Greenbrier - tho' his history is but little known, his intrepidity and patriotism are not let worthy of our commendation.' After the drinking of this toast, the old soldier rose and said: He thanked the gentlemen for introducing his name on an occasion where he had already been too much honored. Tho' his history was not much known, he could not object to have the transactions of his life divulged to the world. For nine years he had been in the wars of his country - during a greater part of which he had been engaged in the most dangerous parts of Indian service. He had suffered much; on one occasion he had been stripped by savage rapacity of every vestige of property he possessed, even the clothing of himself and family - one of his children fell a victim to their cruelty. But not to dwell on the dangers he had endured, he would merely speak of the occasion so kindly alluded to in the toast. When stationed at Fort Randolph, at the mouth of the Big Kanawha, nine hundred Indians set off in a body to make an unexpected attack on the inhabitants of Greenbrier, Virginia. Two men were dispatched to apprize the people in that quarter of their approaching danger. In three days they returned, wounded, and in despair; others were sought for who would carry the express; none were found willing to engage in so dangerous and hopeless an undertaking when he and one John Pryor (who was afterwards killed by the Indians) painted and dressed in Indian garb set off, and in forty-eight hours travelled one hundred and sixty miles through the wilderness; they overtook the Indians within twelve miles of the white settlements, passed through their camps, and gave timely warning to the people of their impending danger. Such preparations were made for security and defense as the occasion permitted. About daylight a violent attack was made on Fort Donley; the conflict was desperate - the door of the Fort was broken open - he stood in it, and resisted the enemy - 'till it could be shut and fasted. The foe were repelled with great loss, and the country saved from savage barbarity. He said that although he was old and poor, and had not received the compensation promised him by his country, yet he thanked God he was in peace and safety, and could live 'without the aid of public or private charity.' He then offered the following sentiment: "OUR RULERS: May they be just men, fearing God, and hating covetousness." Southern Advocate, Huntsville, July 10, 1830.
Zachariah Johnston's beautiful home, which is on the Historical Register and is for sale for $1,750,000 (I WANT it!) was a wonderful patriot.
Johnston was a prosperous farmer by the time the American Revolution began. In 1776, he was appointed a captain in the county militia. Johnston's company actively patrolled against Indian uprisings, and, in 1781, participated in the Virginia campaign which led to Lord Cornwallis' surrender. Representing Augusta County in the House of Delegates from 1778 to 1791, Johnston was chair of the House committee on religion and helped pass the "act for establishing religious freedom" in 1786.
Zechariah JOHNSTON was a personal friend and political ally of Thomas Jefferson. His presentation of the Hanover Memorials to the Virginia Assembly and his advocating the ideas of religious freedom held by his constituents, no doubt, had very great weight with Mr. Jefferson in formulating his bill "for establishing religious freedom," which became law in 1786. Mr. Jefferson, when leaving for a federal appointment, left his bill for religious liberty in the capable hands of James Madison."Mr. Chairman, I am a Presbyterian, a rigid Presbyterian as we are called; my parents before me were of the same profession; I was educated in that line. Since I became a man, I have examined for myself; and I have seen no cause to dissent. But, sir, the very day that the Presbyterians shall be established by law, and become a body politic, the same day Zachariah JOHNSTON will be a dissenter. Dissent from that religion I cannot in honesty, but from that establishement I will." And his name goes down to posterity in favor of the passage of the act for establishing Religious Freedom.One of his famous statements:
"Mr. Chairman, I am a Presbyterian, a rigid Presbyterian as we are called; my parents before me were of the same profession; I was educated in that line. Since I became a man, I have examined for myself; and I have seen no cause to dissent. But, sir, the very day that the Presbyterians shall be established by law, and become a body politic, the same day Zachariah JOHNSTON will be a dissenter. Dissent from that religion I cannot in honesty, but from that establishement I will." And his name goes down to posterity in favor of the passage of the act for establishing Religious Freedom.
May God bless these good men and women. I honor them, and will continue to honor them by posting this missive each and every time it is appropriate. And, as a genealogist, I will continue to look for and will find many more.
Bless their good hearts!
Taken at the Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, HI on our trip to see Harmony, 2005
Monday, November 1, 2010
A busy, busy week!

This week was a bit busier than usual. But, we had a lot of fun and enjoyed some times with good friends.
Tuesday found me having lunch with my good friend, Pat Bowen. She's my visiting teacher, but she's also my friend. Neither of us had been to Cracker Barrel in awhile, so that's where we met. It was on the day when the wind was blowing hard across the central United States. The gusts were strong. And, while we were eating, it began to rain with a fierceness. Tornado warnings were out everywhere. One of them struck real, real close to Jordan and Melissa's house in southwestern Ohio. It blew their shed down and part of their fence. Thank goodness all of us were safe - including Erik and my sisters.
The next day, I ate with Karen Keck. She and I love to go out to lunch. We don't do it very often, but when we do - we pick up right where we left off. She's a lot of fun, too.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday found us in Columbus. Friday was our temple day, and we enjoyed the time we had both this week and last week with members of the Temple Presidency. This would be our last time working with them, for our new Temple Presidency begins their assignments on Monday.
Saturday, Kerry returned to work at the temple for 8 hours. They had asked if he would be able to, and he readily said yes! We have many new workers that need training, but during that training there is still a need for continuity in the work. We now have over 600 workers for our little temple!
He also didn't mind working, for it was the 66th anniversary of his parents' marriage. He felt that was honoring them, as well.
Orson and Shirley Lauritzen, shortly after their marriage in 1944.
All of the little trick-or-treaters were out and about Saturday evening. It reminded me so much of when all of our little ones would dress up and go out to beg for candy. I usually stayed at the house while Kerry took them out - either in the back of his pickup truck or in our van with the side door and the back door open.
Kerry and Peter and Harmony
Now, it's all of the little grandchildren that we get to enjoy seeing all dressed up!
From bottom left going up: Shyanna, Bella, Christina, Angel, Ben
It was also a makeover week! I got sick of my hair and had about 4 inches cut off. I'll post a picture of it next week.
And, dear Melissa got 10 inches of her hair cut off and donated to Locks-of-Love. She looks adorable!
Melissa - I love her hair no matter what the length!
Now, it's time to bring all of this election stuff to a close. I'm tired of the adds, the phone calls, the mail, the email, the slandering and mudslinging. I've known who I'm going to vote for since mid-summer. Y'all quit bothering me.
But, I'm also grateful to live in a free country where we have the opportunity to vote.
This month, we wish a happy birthday to:
Ida - my mom - Nov 1 (she would have been 97 years old!!!)
Bill - Kerry's brother who died in Germany at age 19 - Nov 2
Mary Kay - my genealogy friend who died about 4-5 years ago - Nov 2
Ryan - Betty's grandson - Nov 3
Sarah - d/o Kerry's brother, David - on a mission in New Zealand - Nov 12
Noelle - g-dau of Kerry's sister, Content - Nov 27
Danette - d-i-l of Kerry's sister, Joy - Nov 27
Dane - s/o Kerry's brother, Kelly - Nov 28
Brett - s/o Kerry's sister, Joy - Nov 29
Miss Harmony! - our daughter!!! - Nov 29
And a happy anniversary to:
Content and Larry - Kerry's sister and b-i-l - Nov 28
And now, for my memory missive for this week!!!
This memory is not mine - it's Kerry's. But every time he tells me about it, I can't help laughing.
When Kerry was somewhere between ten and twelve years old, he decided to take a bath while his mom was cooking in the kitchen close by. He was #5 out of eleven children, so I'm sure her plate was pretty full most of the time.
Apparently the bathroom and the kitchen were fairly close in proximity, so she could hear when Kerry went in there to begin running the water. She called back to him to ask him how full it was.
He answered, saying that it was halfway. (In truth, it was halfway - but not halfway up - it was halfway to the back of the tub.)
She told him to immediately turn it off. (She thought it was halfway up the side of the tub.)
He said, "But, mom..."
She replied, "Kerry, please just turn the water off!"
Being the ever obedient child, he did it without complaint. This big ol' strapping boy took a bath in about two cups of water!!! He got clean enough, and his mom just never knew...
I'll bet she does now.
Kerry - at just about the age mentioned above...
Tuesday found me having lunch with my good friend, Pat Bowen. She's my visiting teacher, but she's also my friend. Neither of us had been to Cracker Barrel in awhile, so that's where we met. It was on the day when the wind was blowing hard across the central United States. The gusts were strong. And, while we were eating, it began to rain with a fierceness. Tornado warnings were out everywhere. One of them struck real, real close to Jordan and Melissa's house in southwestern Ohio. It blew their shed down and part of their fence. Thank goodness all of us were safe - including Erik and my sisters.
The next day, I ate with Karen Keck. She and I love to go out to lunch. We don't do it very often, but when we do - we pick up right where we left off. She's a lot of fun, too.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday found us in Columbus. Friday was our temple day, and we enjoyed the time we had both this week and last week with members of the Temple Presidency. This would be our last time working with them, for our new Temple Presidency begins their assignments on Monday.
Saturday, Kerry returned to work at the temple for 8 hours. They had asked if he would be able to, and he readily said yes! We have many new workers that need training, but during that training there is still a need for continuity in the work. We now have over 600 workers for our little temple!
He also didn't mind working, for it was the 66th anniversary of his parents' marriage. He felt that was honoring them, as well.
Orson and Shirley Lauritzen, shortly after their marriage in 1944.
All of the little trick-or-treaters were out and about Saturday evening. It reminded me so much of when all of our little ones would dress up and go out to beg for candy. I usually stayed at the house while Kerry took them out - either in the back of his pickup truck or in our van with the side door and the back door open.
Kerry and Peter and Harmony
Now, it's all of the little grandchildren that we get to enjoy seeing all dressed up!
From bottom left going up: Shyanna, Bella, Christina, Angel, Ben
It was also a makeover week! I got sick of my hair and had about 4 inches cut off. I'll post a picture of it next week.
And, dear Melissa got 10 inches of her hair cut off and donated to Locks-of-Love. She looks adorable!
Melissa - I love her hair no matter what the length!
Now, it's time to bring all of this election stuff to a close. I'm tired of the adds, the phone calls, the mail, the email, the slandering and mudslinging. I've known who I'm going to vote for since mid-summer. Y'all quit bothering me.
But, I'm also grateful to live in a free country where we have the opportunity to vote.
This month, we wish a happy birthday to:
Ida - my mom - Nov 1 (she would have been 97 years old!!!)
Bill - Kerry's brother who died in Germany at age 19 - Nov 2
Mary Kay - my genealogy friend who died about 4-5 years ago - Nov 2
Ryan - Betty's grandson - Nov 3
Sarah - d/o Kerry's brother, David - on a mission in New Zealand - Nov 12
Noelle - g-dau of Kerry's sister, Content - Nov 27
Danette - d-i-l of Kerry's sister, Joy - Nov 27
Dane - s/o Kerry's brother, Kelly - Nov 28
Brett - s/o Kerry's sister, Joy - Nov 29
Miss Harmony! - our daughter!!! - Nov 29
And a happy anniversary to:
Content and Larry - Kerry's sister and b-i-l - Nov 28
And now, for my memory missive for this week!!!
This memory is not mine - it's Kerry's. But every time he tells me about it, I can't help laughing.
When Kerry was somewhere between ten and twelve years old, he decided to take a bath while his mom was cooking in the kitchen close by. He was #5 out of eleven children, so I'm sure her plate was pretty full most of the time.
Apparently the bathroom and the kitchen were fairly close in proximity, so she could hear when Kerry went in there to begin running the water. She called back to him to ask him how full it was.
He answered, saying that it was halfway. (In truth, it was halfway - but not halfway up - it was halfway to the back of the tub.)
She told him to immediately turn it off. (She thought it was halfway up the side of the tub.)
He said, "But, mom..."
She replied, "Kerry, please just turn the water off!"
Being the ever obedient child, he did it without complaint. This big ol' strapping boy took a bath in about two cups of water!!! He got clean enough, and his mom just never knew...
I'll bet she does now.
Kerry - at just about the age mentioned above...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
All the leaves are brown...
Alas, our beautiful autumn has reached its peak and is slowly coming to a close. Our weather is still warm, the days are still bright, the sky is still mostly blue, and life is good.
Kerry and I had another delightful week! I love having him home all the time!!! And, I think he likes being here, too. He gets to work on things that have been put on hold for years - things he likes to do.
Sometimes we go on little day trips. Sometimes we stay home. Sometimes we sleep in. Sometimes we're up quite early.
I forgot to mention a very important thing from last week. Erik ran another marathon, completing 26.2 miles in 4 hours 28 minutes! He wasn't real pleased with his time, but I'm floored!!! I would still be trying to get through it a week later. He did a lot of preparation for it, including this:
Yep. That's Erik soaking in an ICE BATH the night before. I don't know about all of this. I didn't teach him to do this - obviously!
And now for breaking news: Kerry has had another book published!!! Yippee for him!!! The publishers accepted another book manuscript and it is now in print! Here's the ordering information:
Save Our Sam: S.O.S. by
K. Peter Lauritzen
ISBN: 978-1-4512-7577-3, 70 Pages, 6 x 9
Buy $24.95 (His second book)
K. Peter Lauritzen: His Story of the United States by
K. Peter Lauritzen
ISBN: 1-4241-2232-5, 297 pages, 6 x 9
Buy $32.95 (His first book)
I am so proud of him! This is another one of his lifelong dreams, and now he has attained it - with even some more in the works...
This past week, sister Fern was in the hospital for a couple of days. Kerry and I drove up to see her, and she was feeling much better than when she was admitted the night before. Sometimes her pain is very bad. On the way back home, Kerry and I stopped at Planktown, a country store where we buy meats, cheeses, grains, etc.
We also enjoyed a wonderful brunch at a small church in Lucas - a very small town close to us. They really treat the communities well as they try to shore people up during tough times.
The temple was very busy this past Friday. Many people from Charleston, WV were there, and they keep us hopping. I was so tired that night I was almost in tears. I prayed mightily, as did Kerry, that my feet and legs would rest up good and I would be free from pain. I woke up the next morning at 8:00 am and felt great!
I cannot get over the comments that I've been receiving concerning my little memory missives! The funny thing is this - the comments are coming from people that see me all the time! I don't think I've heard a single comment (except for s-i-l Marion) from any blood relatives - the ones they're intended for! >:(
Oh, well! Here we go again:
For as long as I can remember, I have played the piano. Music was always part of my home. My dad played records that contained beautiful music all the time. I believe my talent comes through my dad. My poor mom had no rhythm and couldn't really sing very well at all. But that didn't matter - she sang anyway.
Dad could always keep time very well. His dream was to have been a conductor in a symphony - but that wasn't to be. Perhaps if he'd had musical training, he would have enjoyed it even more.
My sisters were/are all musical. But, when they were growing up in the hills of Kentucky and the hollers of West Virginia, mom and dad just didn't have the money for any musical lessons for them. None of them can play any musical instrument at all. But when the four of us sing, we blend perfectly in several harmonies.
My parents got me a little piano for Christmas when I was four years old. That year, I was pounding out "Joy to the World". My mom often said that was the only Christmas music we had that year. Through the years, I learned how to play a few more songs on that little piano. I still have it to this day.
I put Mr. Eddie in the picture with it so you could see the relative size of it. Mr. Eddie weighs 8 lbs. It's not much bigger than him.
I even played for the children's organization at church for several years right after I got that piano. We had our Primary meetings on Saturday mornings, when it was hard to get some of the other adults out to the church. For awhile, all I could really play was "The Golden Plates" - so that's what we sang for a long time.
My dad was a refrigeration/air conditioning repairman, a skill he learned in the Navy and continued on with more training here. One day, he was repairing an appliance for a woman who taught piano lessons in her basement. He listened for awhile, and asked if she took on new students. She said she did.
About that same time, a lady in our ward was selling her piano. She was getting a new one from her mother, who lived in California. They lived in Danville, a town a few miles away from here.
On the night of my birthday in 1963, I heard a vehicle pull into our driveway. I didn't think too much about it, for I thought it was probably one of my sisters dropping by. Or, since dad was bishop, that it might be someone who needed to talk to him. He did stand at the door and talk to someone for a few minutes.
Then, some furniture was moved, and in rolled my birthday present! My best birthday present I've ever received! My "new" piano!!!! At 8 years old, I thought I was the richest girl on the planet.
I played and played and played. And in the fall, I began my lessons. That was a different experience, for I had played by ear for many years. Now, I was going to have to learn to discipline myself to play the notes written on the paper. It was harder than you can imagine.
My piano lessons began at $1 per week. Mom and dad always found that dollar for me. However, after a few years, my teacher had to raise it to $1.25. That was a different story. We didn't know if I could continue or not. But, dad was determined to provide lessons for me. There were a few weeks (probably more than a few) where I paid in coins, after digging through couch cushions, coat pockets, etc. But, we always found it. And, we always found it again when the cost went to $1.50.
I tried to make sure I kept up with my practicing, for I knew how hard it was on mom and dad to pay for those lessons.
That piano "base" led me on to play many more instruments. When I was in marching band, I found it easy to pick up an instrument and begin to play. String instruments were a bit harder for me, but eventually I could play many of them, too. In my mind, I would picture the piano keyboard, then the notes would be clearer to me on another instrument.
How can I ever show my gratitude for mom and dad's sacrifice? By keeping up what they took the time, money and effort to see that I had in my young life. That sacrifice has led me to play for countless weddings, funerals, Christmas gatherings, family gatherings, and years and years of Church meetings.
It also paved the way for each of my own children to enjoy music. While they were at home, they filled our home with music - good music. They had their lessons on my old piano, and the sacrifice was hard for us, too. But, how I loved hearing them play and work out the melody on a song they had never seen before. How I loved seeing them go on to play other instruments. And how I LOVED when we gathered around the piano and sang as a family. Our six voices blended and harmonized, just like with me and my sisters.
My piano is still in my home and is still being used. It's a little rougher for the wear. It has some battle scars. It's a bit out of tune. But oh, how I love that piano - for the joy I had in playing and accomplishing a difficult piece - and for the comfort it brought me in times of sadness.
Till next week!
Miss P
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Cozy evenings at home...
Autumn continues to be beautiful here in the Ohio! Though the colors are not quite as resplendent as in years past, they still continue to take my breath away. The muted colors usually happen when there has not been enough rain.
We spent some time getting our house ready for winter this week. Even though the days are warm, they're not always going to be warm. Before we know it, the wind will be howling and it will be cold enough for coats.
But, Tuesday we went to the temple with Fern and Betty. They haven't been able to go for awhile, due to some health concerns either they or their husbands have been battling. We had a nice easy day, followed by dinner at Mimi's - one of our favorite Columbus eateries.
Wednesday was one of our favorite days - another rummage sale!!! Kerry and I LOVE rummage sales! We find all sorts of treasures. I particularly like a used clothing store in Bellville, where you can fill your bag for $2. I've discovered some real finds - items from lots of name-brand companies.
Thursday was a fun day - we drove to Washington Court House to watch JJ play tag football. We LOVED watching these little guys play!!! They were so cute. I also fixed chicken, potato salad, and red velvet cupcakes for everyone's dinner. That saved Melissa (who didn't feel that good anyway) from having to worry about dinner for everyone. I think they liked it, for they didn't turn down the leftovers.
Look at him run!
Justin and Jayden
Learning about football from grandpa...
The grandboys went to the pumpkin patch to choose their pumpkins.
We had the most delightful surprise a couple of weeks ago. We received a porcelain replica of the Washington Temple from a company in northern Utah. There was no card with it. I told Kerry he must have ordered it and forgotten it. He told me I must have ordered it and forgotten it. No matter who ordered it - it was beautiful!
We later learned that Miss Harmony was the one who ordered it!!! It now sits in a place of prominence in our living room on our "Kerry and Peggy" table. Behind it is a hand-painted Russian egg that Erik asked a member in Russia to paint for our 27th anniversary. We treasure those items - and anything else that reminds us of our sweet marriage.
I really appreciate all of the comments sent to me about my memory of my dad and the coal mines last week. I suppose I will continue these little additions to my weekly missives.
And now for this week:
My mother was a force to be reckoned with! You just didn't mess with mom - or one of her babies.
One night, she and I were on our way home from church, where I had attended my weekly youth meeting. I needed some notebook paper, and we didn't have Walmarts or anything like that in those days. We did have a little corner grocery store, where one could buy penny candy, shoelaces, etc.
She happened to miss the driveway, but it didn't matter, for the next drive also connected to the little store. There was a bit of a grassy field between the parking lot and the store. I walked through the little field and headed for the front door.
Before reaching the door, there was a wall of decorative concrete block. As I rounded that wall, I happened upon 3-4 teenage boys who were circling around on their bikes. I squared up, went through them, went into the store and bought my paper.
When I came back out, those boys were still there. They were off their bikes, and now they circled around me, calling me names and poking me in the chest. I was mortified, for I was sure they were going to do terrible things to me. I was also sure mom couldn't see me because of the decorative wall.
In the blink of an eye, I heard something akin to a bull crashing through the field and headed toward me. It was my mom! Smoke was coming from her nostrils and her ears, and her boobs were swinging back and forth something fierce with her arms pumping away. (You get the picture!) When those boys turned around to see what it was, they saw the look on her face and knew they were dead meat if they didn't get out of there quick. Mom grew up being the oldest of a family that had SIX BOYS, plus a little sister that died at 3 years old. To mom, taking on these boys were nothing compared to what she had grown up with.
I was never so relieved to see my mom in my whole life. I don't know what those boys would have done. But, as long as my mom was nearby, those boys were close to being ground down into a greasy spot!
Till next week...
Miss P
We spent some time getting our house ready for winter this week. Even though the days are warm, they're not always going to be warm. Before we know it, the wind will be howling and it will be cold enough for coats.
But, Tuesday we went to the temple with Fern and Betty. They haven't been able to go for awhile, due to some health concerns either they or their husbands have been battling. We had a nice easy day, followed by dinner at Mimi's - one of our favorite Columbus eateries.
Wednesday was one of our favorite days - another rummage sale!!! Kerry and I LOVE rummage sales! We find all sorts of treasures. I particularly like a used clothing store in Bellville, where you can fill your bag for $2. I've discovered some real finds - items from lots of name-brand companies.
Thursday was a fun day - we drove to Washington Court House to watch JJ play tag football. We LOVED watching these little guys play!!! They were so cute. I also fixed chicken, potato salad, and red velvet cupcakes for everyone's dinner. That saved Melissa (who didn't feel that good anyway) from having to worry about dinner for everyone. I think they liked it, for they didn't turn down the leftovers.
Look at him run!
Justin and Jayden
Learning about football from grandpa...
The grandboys went to the pumpkin patch to choose their pumpkins.
We had the most delightful surprise a couple of weeks ago. We received a porcelain replica of the Washington Temple from a company in northern Utah. There was no card with it. I told Kerry he must have ordered it and forgotten it. He told me I must have ordered it and forgotten it. No matter who ordered it - it was beautiful!
We later learned that Miss Harmony was the one who ordered it!!! It now sits in a place of prominence in our living room on our "Kerry and Peggy" table. Behind it is a hand-painted Russian egg that Erik asked a member in Russia to paint for our 27th anniversary. We treasure those items - and anything else that reminds us of our sweet marriage.
I really appreciate all of the comments sent to me about my memory of my dad and the coal mines last week. I suppose I will continue these little additions to my weekly missives.
And now for this week:
My mother was a force to be reckoned with! You just didn't mess with mom - or one of her babies.
One night, she and I were on our way home from church, where I had attended my weekly youth meeting. I needed some notebook paper, and we didn't have Walmarts or anything like that in those days. We did have a little corner grocery store, where one could buy penny candy, shoelaces, etc.
She happened to miss the driveway, but it didn't matter, for the next drive also connected to the little store. There was a bit of a grassy field between the parking lot and the store. I walked through the little field and headed for the front door.
Before reaching the door, there was a wall of decorative concrete block. As I rounded that wall, I happened upon 3-4 teenage boys who were circling around on their bikes. I squared up, went through them, went into the store and bought my paper.
When I came back out, those boys were still there. They were off their bikes, and now they circled around me, calling me names and poking me in the chest. I was mortified, for I was sure they were going to do terrible things to me. I was also sure mom couldn't see me because of the decorative wall.
In the blink of an eye, I heard something akin to a bull crashing through the field and headed toward me. It was my mom! Smoke was coming from her nostrils and her ears, and her boobs were swinging back and forth something fierce with her arms pumping away. (You get the picture!) When those boys turned around to see what it was, they saw the look on her face and knew they were dead meat if they didn't get out of there quick. Mom grew up being the oldest of a family that had SIX BOYS, plus a little sister that died at 3 years old. To mom, taking on these boys were nothing compared to what she had grown up with.
I was never so relieved to see my mom in my whole life. I don't know what those boys would have done. But, as long as my mom was nearby, those boys were close to being ground down into a greasy spot!
Till next week...
Miss P
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Please help me I'm fallin'
Oh, it is SO beautiful at this time of year!!! Ohio is a wonderful place to be in autumn. I was doing a bit of driving yesterday, and on each turn it just got prettier and prettier. I was taking pictures all day. No, I won't put them all here.
This was also my mom's favorite time of year. She also dreaded it. Her father and two of her brothers died during autumn within four years. Mom herself died during this time of year.
Nonetheless, I love it.
Kerry and I continue to work at the temple each Friday. It's a smaller temple, not bit like the ones most people associate with in Salt Lake City. But, it still contains all of the important features that a large temple has - and it's still the Lord's house.
Columbus Ohio Temple
After we finished working there Friday, we met up with our Ohio kids to celebrate JJ's 6th birthday!!! He's such a cute little guy. He's thoroughly enjoying school, and can't understand why it has to stop for the weekend. He's also been playing tag football, with his daddy as assistant coach.
JJ and his football uniform.
Getting their picture taken at Chuck E Cheese
The finished product.
A more traditional look.
Those boys of mine.
Erik and his roommate, Oscar. Oscar is a Fulbright scholar from the Phillipines. He will be finishing up his doctorate at the end of the year, and can return to his native land going right into professorship. If he stays here, it will be a few more years before he can attain that status. He has been an excellent example of hard work.
We also had to go to the final fair of the season - the Loudonville Street Fair. I'm telling you, we love small-town America! Of course, we spent a lot of time in the cow tent. Mr. Kerry and his cows!
He always guides me through the tent very carefully, warning me that cows can and do kick backwards. He kept wondering where all of the dairy cows were, for the tent we were in was mostly beef cows. I kept asking him how in the world he could tell, for most of them were laying down. He just knew. I guess you have to look underneath.
Two sheep all wrapped up.
Look how much this pumpkin weighed! I think it was a pumpkin. It wasn't bright orange, so it might have been some other sort of squash.
Amish farmers gather their corn shocks up. On the road we were on, the Amish farmers were everywhere, working their land the old-fashioned way - draft horses and plows. Out of respect for them, I do not take their pictures. They prefer that we don't - it's a graven image.
I've decided to begin adding something new to my little missive. It will mainly be for my own children and grandchildren, but you are still welcome to read it.
I'm going to be adding a memory from my own past that can help to preserve our family's history.
This week, it will be a reflection on those miners who have been trapped below ground in Chile. Each time there is such an incident, my thoughts go back to my father, who was a miner in the coal fields of West Virginia.
He worked in those mines before I was born, but the effect of it never left him. As a matter of fact, it left him with severe claustrophobia for the rest of his life. Once, our little family took dad with us to Columbus to visit COSI (Center of Science and Industry). It's a wonderful, "hands-on" museum that is especially tailored to young people. We would always pack our lunches and eat in the cafeteria in the basement, where they had lockers to store our food.
Dad enjoyed all of the displays. After our lunch, they had replicated a coal mine close by. It even had a canary in a little cage beside the entrance (to tell the miners if gas had built up inside. If the bird was laying dead with its feet up, don't go in the mine.)
As I showed the mine entrance to dad, I asked him if he wanted to go inside. He took a couple of steps, then backed right out. He couldn't do it. He said it was too real.
I'll probably not ever know how hard it was for him to get into those coal cars that would drive the miners 4-5 miles (or more!) deep into the hills of West Virginia. I'll never know the closeness of the ceiling, for they had to tuck their heads down to prevent serious injuries. I'll never know the blackness of being underground for hours. I experienced it once in Mammoth Cave, but in just a few seconds the lights came back on. It was horrible.
I'll never know hard it was for my mom to try to get my dad's black clothes clean, or how good he felt after a bath. That's where one of our common old sayings came from. The father usually bathed first, then the kids. By the time the baby got bathed, the water was usually pitch black. Hence: "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater".
But, dad did say something interesting. When you went to work, you went with white folks, Indians, blacks, etc. But, when you stepped out after a day's work, you were all the same color.
Bless his heart. And bless the hearts of those miners and their families in Chile. And Pennsylvania. And West Virginia. And Kentucky. And Wales. And Utah. And...
From dad's collection of pictures:
The entrance to the coal mine.
Going to work at the West Virginia coal mine.
Hauling out the coal.
Some of the miners.
A mule and the coal cars.
Dad after a day's work in the coal mines.
The finished product.
I'm grateful dad worked so hard in a job that not many would want. Sister Betty was born in West Virginia when dad worked in those mines. They lived in the coal camps. They had to buy their beans and such at the company store with scrip. The mines really owned you.
Bless his good heart. I miss him.
This was also my mom's favorite time of year. She also dreaded it. Her father and two of her brothers died during autumn within four years. Mom herself died during this time of year.
Nonetheless, I love it.
Kerry and I continue to work at the temple each Friday. It's a smaller temple, not bit like the ones most people associate with in Salt Lake City. But, it still contains all of the important features that a large temple has - and it's still the Lord's house.
Columbus Ohio Temple
After we finished working there Friday, we met up with our Ohio kids to celebrate JJ's 6th birthday!!! He's such a cute little guy. He's thoroughly enjoying school, and can't understand why it has to stop for the weekend. He's also been playing tag football, with his daddy as assistant coach.
JJ and his football uniform.
Getting their picture taken at Chuck E Cheese
The finished product.
A more traditional look.
Those boys of mine.
Erik and his roommate, Oscar. Oscar is a Fulbright scholar from the Phillipines. He will be finishing up his doctorate at the end of the year, and can return to his native land going right into professorship. If he stays here, it will be a few more years before he can attain that status. He has been an excellent example of hard work.
We also had to go to the final fair of the season - the Loudonville Street Fair. I'm telling you, we love small-town America! Of course, we spent a lot of time in the cow tent. Mr. Kerry and his cows!
He always guides me through the tent very carefully, warning me that cows can and do kick backwards. He kept wondering where all of the dairy cows were, for the tent we were in was mostly beef cows. I kept asking him how in the world he could tell, for most of them were laying down. He just knew. I guess you have to look underneath.
Two sheep all wrapped up.
Look how much this pumpkin weighed! I think it was a pumpkin. It wasn't bright orange, so it might have been some other sort of squash.
Amish farmers gather their corn shocks up. On the road we were on, the Amish farmers were everywhere, working their land the old-fashioned way - draft horses and plows. Out of respect for them, I do not take their pictures. They prefer that we don't - it's a graven image.
I've decided to begin adding something new to my little missive. It will mainly be for my own children and grandchildren, but you are still welcome to read it.
I'm going to be adding a memory from my own past that can help to preserve our family's history.
This week, it will be a reflection on those miners who have been trapped below ground in Chile. Each time there is such an incident, my thoughts go back to my father, who was a miner in the coal fields of West Virginia.
He worked in those mines before I was born, but the effect of it never left him. As a matter of fact, it left him with severe claustrophobia for the rest of his life. Once, our little family took dad with us to Columbus to visit COSI (Center of Science and Industry). It's a wonderful, "hands-on" museum that is especially tailored to young people. We would always pack our lunches and eat in the cafeteria in the basement, where they had lockers to store our food.
Dad enjoyed all of the displays. After our lunch, they had replicated a coal mine close by. It even had a canary in a little cage beside the entrance (to tell the miners if gas had built up inside. If the bird was laying dead with its feet up, don't go in the mine.)
As I showed the mine entrance to dad, I asked him if he wanted to go inside. He took a couple of steps, then backed right out. He couldn't do it. He said it was too real.
I'll probably not ever know how hard it was for him to get into those coal cars that would drive the miners 4-5 miles (or more!) deep into the hills of West Virginia. I'll never know the closeness of the ceiling, for they had to tuck their heads down to prevent serious injuries. I'll never know the blackness of being underground for hours. I experienced it once in Mammoth Cave, but in just a few seconds the lights came back on. It was horrible.
I'll never know hard it was for my mom to try to get my dad's black clothes clean, or how good he felt after a bath. That's where one of our common old sayings came from. The father usually bathed first, then the kids. By the time the baby got bathed, the water was usually pitch black. Hence: "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater".
But, dad did say something interesting. When you went to work, you went with white folks, Indians, blacks, etc. But, when you stepped out after a day's work, you were all the same color.
Bless his heart. And bless the hearts of those miners and their families in Chile. And Pennsylvania. And West Virginia. And Kentucky. And Wales. And Utah. And...
From dad's collection of pictures:
The entrance to the coal mine.
Going to work at the West Virginia coal mine.
Hauling out the coal.
Some of the miners.
A mule and the coal cars.
Dad after a day's work in the coal mines.
The finished product.
I'm grateful dad worked so hard in a job that not many would want. Sister Betty was born in West Virginia when dad worked in those mines. They lived in the coal camps. They had to buy their beans and such at the company store with scrip. The mines really owned you.
Bless his good heart. I miss him.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
More reasons to celebrate!
I'm tired.
Mr. Kerry and I have now finished up a very busy week, and we're ready for a break.
Early Monday morning, we drove to Columbus to put Mr. Kerry on a plane to Salt Lake City. Another sister was getting married!!! I wasn't able to go on this particular trip for several reasons. I had many things to accomplish and a short amount of time to do them.
Kerry arrived safe and sound and enjoyed both Monday and Tuesday evenings with most of his siblings. Once again, I've got pictures:
Lowell and Gayle - his mother's sister and b-i-l were able to attend.
Kerry and his brothers Kelly and Chris, and Chris's wife, Kristy.
His youngest sister, Harmony was married to Kevin Dexter. They actually met while on their missions in Finland. He married and had five children. His wife died a couple of years ago. Harmony and Kevin made connections again, sparks flew, the children fell in love with her, and now they're all married up by their former Mission President.
A fine little family...
Kerry and some of his siblings - bottom left to top: Kelly, Charm, Joy, Chris, Content and husband Larry (middle) and Mr. Kerry.
I'm really glad Mr. Kerry was able to go and be with his family for this event. As we were discussing it a few weeks ago, he was trying to decide whether he should go since we had just been there within the month. Should we go to the expense of flying him out there? I finally told him I'd rather see him go and be there for something wonderful like this than go there for their funerals. At some point, as we all age, that time will come. But, let's be with each other, enjoy each other, and love each other while we can.
I picked Kerry up on Wednesday evening, and we ate dinner in Columbus while a ferocious rain storm fell, the winds blew, and a tornado siren went off. While we ate, I updated him on the kids. I haven't really talked with Harmony lately. Jordan began taking classes this week at Columbus State, and Erik began his senior year at OSU.
Friday was absolutely the busiest day at the temple that I've ever seen. People were literally standing in line to get in. My goodness! I hardly saw Mr. Kerry at all, but I knew he was there. We drove down together! When we got home, I needed every spare moment I had to get ready for Saturday.
Several months ago, I had been asked to give an all-day seminar in a good-sized town north of here. I had done it there before on several occasions, but this one was expected to be quite full. And, it was.
I drove there on one of the prettiest fall days ever. People were already lined up at the door when I arrived. I think it went well. I stood on my feet for 6 1/2 hours, and I thought I was going to die. They took me to lunch, which was a nice gesture on their part. The restaurant was just a couple of blocks away, and because it was so pretty out, they all wanted to walk. Again, I thought I was going to die. My feet throbbed all the way home.
In the evening, I had the opportunity to go to the church for a delicious soup and bread and dessert night, just prior to hearing the women's broadcast from Salt Lake City. Even though I was very tired, I was so glad I went. Each one of the speakers said just what I needed to hear. We are very fortunate to be living now, and to hear the words of inspiration from a prophet.
Church was good. The speakers were good. Lunch was good. My nap was good. Life is good.
This month, we wish a happy birthday to:
Spenser - Jean's grandson - Oct 2
Katie - dau of Kerry's brother, Chris - Oct 8
And a happy anniversary to:
Karen & Matthew - dau and s-i-l of Kerry's brother, Steve - Oct 15
Dave & Joan - son and d-i-l of sister, Jean - Oct 19
Orson & Shirley - Kerry's parents, who would have been married 66 years - Oct 30
Mr. Kerry and I have now finished up a very busy week, and we're ready for a break.
Early Monday morning, we drove to Columbus to put Mr. Kerry on a plane to Salt Lake City. Another sister was getting married!!! I wasn't able to go on this particular trip for several reasons. I had many things to accomplish and a short amount of time to do them.
Kerry arrived safe and sound and enjoyed both Monday and Tuesday evenings with most of his siblings. Once again, I've got pictures:
Lowell and Gayle - his mother's sister and b-i-l were able to attend.
Kerry and his brothers Kelly and Chris, and Chris's wife, Kristy.
His youngest sister, Harmony was married to Kevin Dexter. They actually met while on their missions in Finland. He married and had five children. His wife died a couple of years ago. Harmony and Kevin made connections again, sparks flew, the children fell in love with her, and now they're all married up by their former Mission President.
A fine little family...
Kerry and some of his siblings - bottom left to top: Kelly, Charm, Joy, Chris, Content and husband Larry (middle) and Mr. Kerry.
I'm really glad Mr. Kerry was able to go and be with his family for this event. As we were discussing it a few weeks ago, he was trying to decide whether he should go since we had just been there within the month. Should we go to the expense of flying him out there? I finally told him I'd rather see him go and be there for something wonderful like this than go there for their funerals. At some point, as we all age, that time will come. But, let's be with each other, enjoy each other, and love each other while we can.
I picked Kerry up on Wednesday evening, and we ate dinner in Columbus while a ferocious rain storm fell, the winds blew, and a tornado siren went off. While we ate, I updated him on the kids. I haven't really talked with Harmony lately. Jordan began taking classes this week at Columbus State, and Erik began his senior year at OSU.
Friday was absolutely the busiest day at the temple that I've ever seen. People were literally standing in line to get in. My goodness! I hardly saw Mr. Kerry at all, but I knew he was there. We drove down together! When we got home, I needed every spare moment I had to get ready for Saturday.
Several months ago, I had been asked to give an all-day seminar in a good-sized town north of here. I had done it there before on several occasions, but this one was expected to be quite full. And, it was.
I drove there on one of the prettiest fall days ever. People were already lined up at the door when I arrived. I think it went well. I stood on my feet for 6 1/2 hours, and I thought I was going to die. They took me to lunch, which was a nice gesture on their part. The restaurant was just a couple of blocks away, and because it was so pretty out, they all wanted to walk. Again, I thought I was going to die. My feet throbbed all the way home.
In the evening, I had the opportunity to go to the church for a delicious soup and bread and dessert night, just prior to hearing the women's broadcast from Salt Lake City. Even though I was very tired, I was so glad I went. Each one of the speakers said just what I needed to hear. We are very fortunate to be living now, and to hear the words of inspiration from a prophet.
Church was good. The speakers were good. Lunch was good. My nap was good. Life is good.
This month, we wish a happy birthday to:
Spenser - Jean's grandson - Oct 2
Katie - dau of Kerry's brother, Chris - Oct 8
And a happy anniversary to:
Karen & Matthew - dau and s-i-l of Kerry's brother, Steve - Oct 15
Dave & Joan - son and d-i-l of sister, Jean - Oct 19
Orson & Shirley - Kerry's parents, who would have been married 66 years - Oct 30
Sunday, September 19, 2010
From sea to shining sea
In the past month, Mr. Kerry and I have been from one end of this beautiful country to the other - all by car! We romped with Harmony by the Pacific Ocean and viewed the splendor of the Atlantic.
I think we're home for awhile. At least I am. I'm a bit weary and stiff from sitting too much. I need to get active again.
Just one week after we got Mr. Eddie from the kennel/spa, he had to go back in again. He probably keeps wondering what he keeps that is so wrong that he has to keep going back to the same place.
Early on Thursday morning, the 9th, we drove to Betty's, left our jeep there, loaded our stuff into her van, and headed for Cape Cod. We traveled all along the southern tier of New York and marveled at all of the beauty of that state. We made it as far as Troy, NY, enjoying ourselves along the Mohawk Trail. I sometimes get a bit nervous when I see "Bear Crossing" signs, for I surely wouldn't want to break down in that area.
The Mohawk Trail was just gorgeous! We were particularly touched to see a small park dedicated to the Mohawks.
Statue at the end of a bridge.
We got a kick out of the Pork Store. It makes my lips swell up like Angelina Jolie's, but I love it any way.
We soon arrived at our destination - the western end of Cape Cod in a town called Bourne. We took a bit of a break, then drove to the little town of Onset, where we boarded a cruise of the Cape Cod Canal. There, we joined other members of the Nickerson family (one of the ancestral lines of Betty's husband, Pete) in a get-to-know-each-other evening. Oh, it was perfect. Below deck, they served up shrimp, delicacies of the area, fruits, etc. I was so happy to finally meet one of my fellow genealogists and Facebook friend, Laura, who is also president of the APG (Association of Professional Genealogists). We were thrilled to be with each other, and bonded right away.
Laura and me.
Our evening was complete with a Cape Cod sunset.
Betty and I had to laugh, for one of the captains looks a lot like my b-i-l Jim.
The real activities of the Nickerson Reunion began the next day. People came from all over. William Nickerson, the original settler of Chatham, has many descendants. He had lived in Boston, didn't like the politics, and moved out onto the Cape.
Two different homes on the Nickerson property.
If you look closely, you will see a chicken suspended from a string. Maureen, a master in hearth cookery, treated us to various forms of foods that have been researched and served on the Cape. With just a turn, this chicken will twirl back and forth for hours - 3 gets it done. The drippings fall down into a pot, where they would have various root vegetables. The chicken was stuffed with many different herbs grown on the property.
Saturday afternoon found us wandering around on the Cape. I LOVE lighthouses, so Betty directed us to Chatham lighthouse (Kerry and I brought the kids to Cape Cod about 25 years ago). The flag was at half-staff, for it was Sep 11.
As I walked along the beach, I noticed lots of people streaming toward a group of trucks. Unfortunately, a whale had died in the water. They pulled it up onto the beach, and were planning a necropsy the next morning. I elected not to go over where the crowds were.
The little town of Chatham was charming. We nestled into a restaurant where the locals eat, and filled ourselves with clam chowdah. Between the bucket we all ate with Harmony, and the bowls we all ate with Betty, I've had a year's worth of it.
They take care of the little creatures, just like we saw in New York City a few months ago.
That evening, the Nickersons gathered at the old Daniel Webster Inn for a scrumptious dinner of chicken, plus crab stuffed flounder. I'm telling you - this groups EATS!
I had a real treat the next morning. Instead of going to our own church, we attended the First Congregational Church in Chatham. Doug Bush, a Nickerson descendant and professor of music at BYU was giving an organ recital the next afternoon at 4:00, but we weren't going to be able to stay for it. He is also invited every year to play for their morning services. That's where we decided to go - just so we could hear him.
Oh, my goodness! He made that organ sound like nothing I've quite heard before!!!
Kind of looks like the inside of the Kirtland Temple.
The seats were filled, but not super-crowded. But in my life, I've never heard a small group of people sing with the gusto they had. Doug told me I would be surprised. I was sitting in the balcony and still felt blown away...
After the picnic at the Nickerson homestead, we bid adieu to our newfound friends and headed north to Maine. Little Angel and Ben live there now, and we were anxious to go see them. We checked into our hotel and prepared for the next morning.
I told Kerry and Betty that since we only saw Angel when she was 2 mos old, and we had never seen Ben, they might be skittish about warming up to us. Boy, was I wrong!!! They had been watching for us with their little faces smashed up against the windows. When that door flew open, the children flew into our arms. There are also other "little people" they've adopted, and they embraced us, too - with everyone calling us Grammy and Grandpa.
The "little people" wallowed all over us. I never wear good clothes when I visit grandkids - and I didn't there, either.
Angel and Grandpa in our hotel room.
Angel's foot with her shoe on fit into Kerry's shoe.
Betty and Ben
Angel playing hide and seek.
Ben, just being so cute!
Grandpa, Grammy, Angel (with her new outfit she picked out and the yellow scarf I made for her on the way up) and little Ben.
Before we dragged our hearts away from the on Tuesday, I gave them something special. I didn't have time to make blankets for them, so I gave Angel and blanket and bunny rabbit doll Harmony used to play with, and I gave Ben a blanket I wrapped Peter up in. These brought back sweet memories for me, and I passed them on.
Oh, it was so hard to leave them and all of the other "little people". And - the big people, too!
We stopped a few other places before heading home. We loved a cathedral we saw, and got a bit of a chuckle when we parked by the dumpster:
Joseph Smith's birthplace in Sharon, VT.
A covered bridge in Tunbridge, VT - the town where Joseph Smith's parents met.
The waterfall above the bridge.
Aaronic priesthood monument - Harmony, PA
(Erik - remember these places from our special trip?)
We got a laugh out of the many different signs we saw along the way. I won't post pictures, but we saw:
Turtle Crossing
Bear Crossing
Moose Crossing
Squeeze Right (road construction)
Thickly Settled (in a tight little Chatham burg)
Why Not Shop (store)
Sleeper's Market (store)
Pit Bull Painting (on a truck)
We went to the Bellville Street Fair upon arriving home - we rarely miss that! The rest of the week was spent just relaxing.
I was alone at church today - Kerry was speaking in another ward. All of a sudden, Alice came up to me and said, "Guess who's here?!?! It was Pauline and Jim Whitehead - members who lived here when I was a teenager! I grew up with their kids. Their youngest daughter died ten years ago of breast cancer. It was SO good to see them and reminisce...
Well, this one is a bit longer than most, but like I say - you can always just delete it.
Love to y'all!
Miss P
I think we're home for awhile. At least I am. I'm a bit weary and stiff from sitting too much. I need to get active again.
Just one week after we got Mr. Eddie from the kennel/spa, he had to go back in again. He probably keeps wondering what he keeps that is so wrong that he has to keep going back to the same place.
Early on Thursday morning, the 9th, we drove to Betty's, left our jeep there, loaded our stuff into her van, and headed for Cape Cod. We traveled all along the southern tier of New York and marveled at all of the beauty of that state. We made it as far as Troy, NY, enjoying ourselves along the Mohawk Trail. I sometimes get a bit nervous when I see "Bear Crossing" signs, for I surely wouldn't want to break down in that area.
The Mohawk Trail was just gorgeous! We were particularly touched to see a small park dedicated to the Mohawks.
Statue at the end of a bridge.
We got a kick out of the Pork Store. It makes my lips swell up like Angelina Jolie's, but I love it any way.
We soon arrived at our destination - the western end of Cape Cod in a town called Bourne. We took a bit of a break, then drove to the little town of Onset, where we boarded a cruise of the Cape Cod Canal. There, we joined other members of the Nickerson family (one of the ancestral lines of Betty's husband, Pete) in a get-to-know-each-other evening. Oh, it was perfect. Below deck, they served up shrimp, delicacies of the area, fruits, etc. I was so happy to finally meet one of my fellow genealogists and Facebook friend, Laura, who is also president of the APG (Association of Professional Genealogists). We were thrilled to be with each other, and bonded right away.
Laura and me.
Our evening was complete with a Cape Cod sunset.
Betty and I had to laugh, for one of the captains looks a lot like my b-i-l Jim.
The real activities of the Nickerson Reunion began the next day. People came from all over. William Nickerson, the original settler of Chatham, has many descendants. He had lived in Boston, didn't like the politics, and moved out onto the Cape.
Two different homes on the Nickerson property.
If you look closely, you will see a chicken suspended from a string. Maureen, a master in hearth cookery, treated us to various forms of foods that have been researched and served on the Cape. With just a turn, this chicken will twirl back and forth for hours - 3 gets it done. The drippings fall down into a pot, where they would have various root vegetables. The chicken was stuffed with many different herbs grown on the property.
Saturday afternoon found us wandering around on the Cape. I LOVE lighthouses, so Betty directed us to Chatham lighthouse (Kerry and I brought the kids to Cape Cod about 25 years ago). The flag was at half-staff, for it was Sep 11.
As I walked along the beach, I noticed lots of people streaming toward a group of trucks. Unfortunately, a whale had died in the water. They pulled it up onto the beach, and were planning a necropsy the next morning. I elected not to go over where the crowds were.
The little town of Chatham was charming. We nestled into a restaurant where the locals eat, and filled ourselves with clam chowdah. Between the bucket we all ate with Harmony, and the bowls we all ate with Betty, I've had a year's worth of it.
They take care of the little creatures, just like we saw in New York City a few months ago.
That evening, the Nickersons gathered at the old Daniel Webster Inn for a scrumptious dinner of chicken, plus crab stuffed flounder. I'm telling you - this groups EATS!
I had a real treat the next morning. Instead of going to our own church, we attended the First Congregational Church in Chatham. Doug Bush, a Nickerson descendant and professor of music at BYU was giving an organ recital the next afternoon at 4:00, but we weren't going to be able to stay for it. He is also invited every year to play for their morning services. That's where we decided to go - just so we could hear him.
Oh, my goodness! He made that organ sound like nothing I've quite heard before!!!
Kind of looks like the inside of the Kirtland Temple.
The seats were filled, but not super-crowded. But in my life, I've never heard a small group of people sing with the gusto they had. Doug told me I would be surprised. I was sitting in the balcony and still felt blown away...
After the picnic at the Nickerson homestead, we bid adieu to our newfound friends and headed north to Maine. Little Angel and Ben live there now, and we were anxious to go see them. We checked into our hotel and prepared for the next morning.
I told Kerry and Betty that since we only saw Angel when she was 2 mos old, and we had never seen Ben, they might be skittish about warming up to us. Boy, was I wrong!!! They had been watching for us with their little faces smashed up against the windows. When that door flew open, the children flew into our arms. There are also other "little people" they've adopted, and they embraced us, too - with everyone calling us Grammy and Grandpa.
The "little people" wallowed all over us. I never wear good clothes when I visit grandkids - and I didn't there, either.
Angel and Grandpa in our hotel room.
Angel's foot with her shoe on fit into Kerry's shoe.
Betty and Ben
Angel playing hide and seek.
Ben, just being so cute!
Grandpa, Grammy, Angel (with her new outfit she picked out and the yellow scarf I made for her on the way up) and little Ben.
Before we dragged our hearts away from the on Tuesday, I gave them something special. I didn't have time to make blankets for them, so I gave Angel and blanket and bunny rabbit doll Harmony used to play with, and I gave Ben a blanket I wrapped Peter up in. These brought back sweet memories for me, and I passed them on.
Oh, it was so hard to leave them and all of the other "little people". And - the big people, too!
We stopped a few other places before heading home. We loved a cathedral we saw, and got a bit of a chuckle when we parked by the dumpster:
Joseph Smith's birthplace in Sharon, VT.
A covered bridge in Tunbridge, VT - the town where Joseph Smith's parents met.
The waterfall above the bridge.
Aaronic priesthood monument - Harmony, PA
(Erik - remember these places from our special trip?)
We got a laugh out of the many different signs we saw along the way. I won't post pictures, but we saw:
Turtle Crossing
Bear Crossing
Moose Crossing
Squeeze Right (road construction)
Thickly Settled (in a tight little Chatham burg)
Why Not Shop (store)
Sleeper's Market (store)
Pit Bull Painting (on a truck)
We went to the Bellville Street Fair upon arriving home - we rarely miss that! The rest of the week was spent just relaxing.
I was alone at church today - Kerry was speaking in another ward. All of a sudden, Alice came up to me and said, "Guess who's here?!?! It was Pauline and Jim Whitehead - members who lived here when I was a teenager! I grew up with their kids. Their youngest daughter died ten years ago of breast cancer. It was SO good to see them and reminisce...
Well, this one is a bit longer than most, but like I say - you can always just delete it.
Love to y'all!
Miss P
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Where the deer and the antelope play...
Oh, I am road weary! And I'm going to get in a lot of trouble if I miss one more Sunday getting my missive out.
Kerry and I have been gone. Just over two weeks ago, Kerry had some minor surgery done, then we were on the road to Jordan's. He lives just over 1 1/2 hours south of us, and they had asked if we would watch the boys while he and Melissa went to an orientation meeting at the school.
Of course we would! Grandchildren are so much more fun than their parents were!!!
Oh, we did so many naughty things...
We played kickball in the living room.
We brought sweets for the kids.
We watched movies and movies and movies...
We played kickball again.
We let the kids wallow all over us.
We had a ball. Then, the parents came home.
Kerry, Justin and Jayden
The next couple of days were busy ones as we prepared for our trip to the west. We left right after church on Aug 22 and headed into the sunset for our 30 hour trip straight through. (Our time was at a premium, hence the driving straight through. I don't know how many more times I can do that, though.)
It's a long, boring drive. Kerry always tries to break it up with interesting things to stop and look at. We did that a lot with the kids. We would stop at historical sites, Dyersville, Iowa (where Field of Dreams was filmed. We played on the field for quite awhile.). We got out a walked a lot. (Not much of a chance of blood clots when you have old bladders).
Thirty hours later, we pulled into David and Martha's. She always has dinner ready for us. It was delicious. David is looking quite good. He has been working out, and it shows. Sometimes others can see it better than we can ourselves. Keep it up, David!
Early the next morning, after David fixing our breakfast, we left for Oregon. It was another 15 hours. It was mostly desert and wilderness. It was boring. We were almost hit by three deer, who were the same color as the desert.
But, things got prettier as we began driving along the Columbia River. As a matter of fact, it took my breath away. We saw Mt. Hood, which Kerry thought looked just like the mountain for Paramount Pictures.
Columbia River. The mouth of it is where the Coast Guard trains. It's hard for them to find currents and rapids much stronger for training than what they can find there.
When we came into Lincoln City, the full moon was rising. We didn't see it right at first, for it was behind us. But when we stopped, it made our jaws drop.
Isn't that beautiful?
Harmony works in the deli at the Chinook Winds Casino. It's not exactly where she would prefer to be working, but it will do for now. She lost her other job when she came back for Peter's funeral in January.
When we arrived at the casino, we were amazed at how crowded it was for a Tuesday evening. That's because there had been a power outage in town, and everyone came to the casino. She was very busy at the deli (not like where you order lunch meats, cheese, and potato salads. You place your order for fish/chips, nachos, sandwiches, etc.).
But, the thing that absolutely ASTOUNDED me was the amount of little children. Over the next couple of days, we were back at the casino for dinner, etc. and there were always children there. They were in nightgowns, sleepers, strollers, etc. There are free soft drinks for everyone (even if you just walk in off the street), so these kids were drinking cup after cup after cup...
There parents were off gambling.
Harmony said sometimes these kids are there unattended until 2-3:00 am. They have to stay on the tiled part. This has continued to bother me ever since I saw it.
But, our time with Miss Harmony was wonderful. She is really trying her best, and it shows. I was so proud of her. Here are some of the things we did...
We made our own glass floats.
Kerry is blowing through a hose to make the glass ball bigger.
The finished product, which had to cool for 24 hours. They are BEAUTIFUL!
We walked along the ocean front and saw a seagull with one foot.
Kerry and Harmony loved looking through the telescopes.
The backdrops in Oregon are so pretty. The mountains just go rolling and rolling on.
Kerry found a Viking statue to honor his Scandinavian heritage.
Kerry and Harmony tried to get their kite up. This area is renown for kite-flying, but for some reason, the wind did not cooperate with them.
Harmony lives in the house above the front house. Our hotel was just to the left of her house.
In Newport, we saw and heard lots and lots of sea lions. These are the 1,000 lb. males, who are vacationing here from California. The 250 lb. females remain in California. They don't migrate up here. For some reason, they love laying around in this cage - there's about 40 of them in there.
They fight and argue a lot with their mouths. They honk and bark a lot.
This one guy keep scratching himself with his flippers.
People drop cages and catch lots of crabs. This one little kid took a crab out and let him crawl toward my toes.
We ate a BUCKET OF CLAM CHOWDER at a restaurant named Mo's. Bobby Kennedy visited there just two weeks before he was shot. Doesn't Harmony look pretty? She seems better than I've seen her in quite awhile.
I LOVE lighthouses! Harmony took us to one at Yaquina Bay.
Our time ended there too quickly. It was very, very hard to leave her. But, I will always cherish the good times we shared there in an area she now calls home. (Love you, my Harmony...)
Kerry and I returned to Utah (15 hours of mostly desert and wilderness again) and stayed at his sister, Content's for the next two nights. She always makes us feel like we are part of her family. Son David, his wife Olivia, and their sweet little boys were there - Ethan, Caleb and little baby Rhett - who was only 3 weeks old. Daughter Truly was there, too. I love making connections with my nieces and nephews...
The main reason we took this trip was for Kerry to attend his 40TH HIGH SCHOOL REUNION!!! Wow...It was fun watching him connect with friends he grew up in Utah with. His family moved to Utah when Kerry was 16 years old, so he left friends in California to make new friends in Utah. As we prepared to leave, two of his very closest friends in school were talking with me. They will help Kerry with the next reunion in five years, since HE WAS UNANIMOUSOLY VOTED TO HEAD THE NEXT ONE! As I said goodbye to them, one of them said, "You know, I was aware that Kerry had married. But, I didn't realize he had married such a cutie!"
A cutie. Now, that has stuck in my brain ever since. A cutie. I'm 55 years old, I'm saggy, I'm baggy, I'm a lot of things. But, I don't think cutie was ever on the list.
A cutie. Hmmm...
Kerry's 40th class reunion. There was just about 100 in his class. These were able to come. An email was sent from the girl he was engaged to several years before he met me. She has MS and is totally wheelchair-bound, barely able to get out of bed. She's had four different cancers and has had 12 operations in three years. Her youngest child, a daughter, died at age 20 of a massive heart attack.
I nearly cried. I have not been able to stop thinking about her. When I met her 20 years ago, I thanked her for sending letters of support to Kerry when he served his mission. She got him through some pretty tough and lonely times.
We attended church with Content and Larry, stayed the night with Kerry's sister, Harmony (who's preparing for her wedding!) and headed for home on Monday morning (another 30 hours...). It was a good trip. It was a long trip. It was one of the most rewarding trips ever - until we reached a rest stop in Wyoming that posted this sign:
I couldn't get out of the car. This sign scared everything right back up in me.
This month, we wish a happy birthday to:
Kristi - dau of Kerry's brother, Steve - Sep 3
Kylie - g-dau of Kerry's brother, Steve - Sep 3
Earl - Jean's husband - Sep 7
Larry - husband of Kerry's sister, Content - Sep 9
Jonathan - son of Kerry's brother, David - Sep 9
Steve - Jean's son - Sep 14
David - son of Kerry's sister, Content - Sep 15
Vaughn - son of Kerry's brother, Kelly - Sep 15
Erin - d-i-l of sister, Betty - Sep 16
Topher - son of Kerry's brother, Chris - Sep 20
PT - son of sister, Betty - Sep 20
Orson - Kerry's Dad, who would have been 92 this year - Sep 30
And a happy anniversary to:
Rachael & Scott - dau and s-i-l of Kerry's brother, David - Sep 5 (today!)
Gay & Kent - Kerry's sister & her husband - Sep 14 (she died of ALS in 2000)
Justin & Erin - Betty's son and d-i-l - Sep 25
Adrienne & Adam - dau & s-i-l of Kerry's sister, Joy - Sep 27
Love to y'all...
Miss P
Kerry and I have been gone. Just over two weeks ago, Kerry had some minor surgery done, then we were on the road to Jordan's. He lives just over 1 1/2 hours south of us, and they had asked if we would watch the boys while he and Melissa went to an orientation meeting at the school.
Of course we would! Grandchildren are so much more fun than their parents were!!!
Oh, we did so many naughty things...
We played kickball in the living room.
We brought sweets for the kids.
We watched movies and movies and movies...
We played kickball again.
We let the kids wallow all over us.
We had a ball. Then, the parents came home.
Kerry, Justin and Jayden
The next couple of days were busy ones as we prepared for our trip to the west. We left right after church on Aug 22 and headed into the sunset for our 30 hour trip straight through. (Our time was at a premium, hence the driving straight through. I don't know how many more times I can do that, though.)
It's a long, boring drive. Kerry always tries to break it up with interesting things to stop and look at. We did that a lot with the kids. We would stop at historical sites, Dyersville, Iowa (where Field of Dreams was filmed. We played on the field for quite awhile.). We got out a walked a lot. (Not much of a chance of blood clots when you have old bladders).
Thirty hours later, we pulled into David and Martha's. She always has dinner ready for us. It was delicious. David is looking quite good. He has been working out, and it shows. Sometimes others can see it better than we can ourselves. Keep it up, David!
Early the next morning, after David fixing our breakfast, we left for Oregon. It was another 15 hours. It was mostly desert and wilderness. It was boring. We were almost hit by three deer, who were the same color as the desert.
But, things got prettier as we began driving along the Columbia River. As a matter of fact, it took my breath away. We saw Mt. Hood, which Kerry thought looked just like the mountain for Paramount Pictures.
Columbia River. The mouth of it is where the Coast Guard trains. It's hard for them to find currents and rapids much stronger for training than what they can find there.
When we came into Lincoln City, the full moon was rising. We didn't see it right at first, for it was behind us. But when we stopped, it made our jaws drop.
Isn't that beautiful?
Harmony works in the deli at the Chinook Winds Casino. It's not exactly where she would prefer to be working, but it will do for now. She lost her other job when she came back for Peter's funeral in January.
When we arrived at the casino, we were amazed at how crowded it was for a Tuesday evening. That's because there had been a power outage in town, and everyone came to the casino. She was very busy at the deli (not like where you order lunch meats, cheese, and potato salads. You place your order for fish/chips, nachos, sandwiches, etc.).
But, the thing that absolutely ASTOUNDED me was the amount of little children. Over the next couple of days, we were back at the casino for dinner, etc. and there were always children there. They were in nightgowns, sleepers, strollers, etc. There are free soft drinks for everyone (even if you just walk in off the street), so these kids were drinking cup after cup after cup...
There parents were off gambling.
Harmony said sometimes these kids are there unattended until 2-3:00 am. They have to stay on the tiled part. This has continued to bother me ever since I saw it.
But, our time with Miss Harmony was wonderful. She is really trying her best, and it shows. I was so proud of her. Here are some of the things we did...
We made our own glass floats.
Kerry is blowing through a hose to make the glass ball bigger.
The finished product, which had to cool for 24 hours. They are BEAUTIFUL!
We walked along the ocean front and saw a seagull with one foot.
Kerry and Harmony loved looking through the telescopes.
The backdrops in Oregon are so pretty. The mountains just go rolling and rolling on.
Kerry found a Viking statue to honor his Scandinavian heritage.
Kerry and Harmony tried to get their kite up. This area is renown for kite-flying, but for some reason, the wind did not cooperate with them.
Harmony lives in the house above the front house. Our hotel was just to the left of her house.
In Newport, we saw and heard lots and lots of sea lions. These are the 1,000 lb. males, who are vacationing here from California. The 250 lb. females remain in California. They don't migrate up here. For some reason, they love laying around in this cage - there's about 40 of them in there.
They fight and argue a lot with their mouths. They honk and bark a lot.
This one guy keep scratching himself with his flippers.
People drop cages and catch lots of crabs. This one little kid took a crab out and let him crawl toward my toes.
We ate a BUCKET OF CLAM CHOWDER at a restaurant named Mo's. Bobby Kennedy visited there just two weeks before he was shot. Doesn't Harmony look pretty? She seems better than I've seen her in quite awhile.
I LOVE lighthouses! Harmony took us to one at Yaquina Bay.
Our time ended there too quickly. It was very, very hard to leave her. But, I will always cherish the good times we shared there in an area she now calls home. (Love you, my Harmony...)
Kerry and I returned to Utah (15 hours of mostly desert and wilderness again) and stayed at his sister, Content's for the next two nights. She always makes us feel like we are part of her family. Son David, his wife Olivia, and their sweet little boys were there - Ethan, Caleb and little baby Rhett - who was only 3 weeks old. Daughter Truly was there, too. I love making connections with my nieces and nephews...
The main reason we took this trip was for Kerry to attend his 40TH HIGH SCHOOL REUNION!!! Wow...It was fun watching him connect with friends he grew up in Utah with. His family moved to Utah when Kerry was 16 years old, so he left friends in California to make new friends in Utah. As we prepared to leave, two of his very closest friends in school were talking with me. They will help Kerry with the next reunion in five years, since HE WAS UNANIMOUSOLY VOTED TO HEAD THE NEXT ONE! As I said goodbye to them, one of them said, "You know, I was aware that Kerry had married. But, I didn't realize he had married such a cutie!"
A cutie. Now, that has stuck in my brain ever since. A cutie. I'm 55 years old, I'm saggy, I'm baggy, I'm a lot of things. But, I don't think cutie was ever on the list.
A cutie. Hmmm...
Kerry's 40th class reunion. There was just about 100 in his class. These were able to come. An email was sent from the girl he was engaged to several years before he met me. She has MS and is totally wheelchair-bound, barely able to get out of bed. She's had four different cancers and has had 12 operations in three years. Her youngest child, a daughter, died at age 20 of a massive heart attack.
I nearly cried. I have not been able to stop thinking about her. When I met her 20 years ago, I thanked her for sending letters of support to Kerry when he served his mission. She got him through some pretty tough and lonely times.
We attended church with Content and Larry, stayed the night with Kerry's sister, Harmony (who's preparing for her wedding!) and headed for home on Monday morning (another 30 hours...). It was a good trip. It was a long trip. It was one of the most rewarding trips ever - until we reached a rest stop in Wyoming that posted this sign:
I couldn't get out of the car. This sign scared everything right back up in me.
This month, we wish a happy birthday to:
Kristi - dau of Kerry's brother, Steve - Sep 3
Kylie - g-dau of Kerry's brother, Steve - Sep 3
Earl - Jean's husband - Sep 7
Larry - husband of Kerry's sister, Content - Sep 9
Jonathan - son of Kerry's brother, David - Sep 9
Steve - Jean's son - Sep 14
David - son of Kerry's sister, Content - Sep 15
Vaughn - son of Kerry's brother, Kelly - Sep 15
Erin - d-i-l of sister, Betty - Sep 16
Topher - son of Kerry's brother, Chris - Sep 20
PT - son of sister, Betty - Sep 20
Orson - Kerry's Dad, who would have been 92 this year - Sep 30
And a happy anniversary to:
Rachael & Scott - dau and s-i-l of Kerry's brother, David - Sep 5 (today!)
Gay & Kent - Kerry's sister & her husband - Sep 14 (she died of ALS in 2000)
Justin & Erin - Betty's son and d-i-l - Sep 25
Adrienne & Adam - dau & s-i-l of Kerry's sister, Joy - Sep 27
Love to y'all...
Miss P
Monday, August 16, 2010
Yeah, it's been a sticky week! I have lived in either Ohio or Maryland all my life. Both are filled with humidity - and I've never, ever gotten used to it. We dart from air conditioner to air conditioner, takes lots of showers and never get dry, wash clothes that take forever to dry in the dryer and sometimes a couple of days to dry outside, deal with mold and mildew.
But oh, how beautiful our greenery is! The trees are thick and full and the forests are full of undergrowth, (an aggravating thing for pioneers and frontiersmen) and the flowers, fruits and vegetables have been bountiful. The price we pay for all of this is humidity.
But on this Monday morning, the temperature is 67, the humidity is low at 76%, the breeze is blowing, the sun is coming up ~ it's perfect!
This past week really got to me. I wasn't necessarily sick - I just didn't feel good. There were two events I really wanted to go to and I just couldn't do it. Kerry offered to drive me, but I just couldn't do it.
Betty and Kerry and I drove to Fern's on Tuesday for another genealogy day, and we had a few more successes! Sometimes it's more important to be sure what you have is correct rather than try to keep going back as far as you can.
Friday was one of the busiest days I've ever seen at the temple. My poor little temple workers were worn out at the end of the day! But, it's always a good tired...
Kerry and I really slept in on Saturday, but not before going to the Farmer's Market and a little church where used clothing is accepted and sold. We bring - but we also look around. It's always fill your bag for $2.
Then, we went to two socials. In the pouring rain, we went to another local church that always has the best food. They also had a car show, and we wondered how many would actually be there. The place was packed! We then went to our own church for another social. Again, we slept deep and hard that night.
I taught Relief Society for Natalie Williams on Sunday. I think the lesson went alright - Kerry's charts were really a hit. That evening he went to Stake Priesthood Meeting in Columbus.
Now begins another week. We will be going to Utah next week so Kerry can attend his 40th class reunion!!!! We will also go to Oregon and spend a few days with Miss Harmony. It will be good to see her again.
Kerry and I love our home - we love to hit the road - and we love coming home again. A couple of months ago, we made a trip to New York City on the spur of the moment. We had so much fun just walking the streets, seeing the sites and grazing.
We saw the Trump Tower - too big, too gaudy...
I was really impressed with this building. I would love to spent some time wandering around in there. All around me, people were dressed in such attire that you knew they were going in there for classes or rehearsals.
We grazed on gyros.
We saw lots of cars with lots of parking tickets.
We visited our temple.
Then we said goodbye and came home. It was just a fun adventure!
Last week, a few of you asked why the newspaper article I wrote was the last one. Several years ago, the News Journal formed a group of people called "Opinion Shapers". Thirteen people were chosen to write four columns during the coming year. Kerry was one of the first. I believe a couple of years later he was chosen again.
After awhile, they just kind of did away with the columns, then revved them up again this past year. Twelve others and me were chosen, and my fourth column was last week. I believe I included them each time in my newsletter to you.
Well, off I go...
Miss P
But oh, how beautiful our greenery is! The trees are thick and full and the forests are full of undergrowth, (an aggravating thing for pioneers and frontiersmen) and the flowers, fruits and vegetables have been bountiful. The price we pay for all of this is humidity.
But on this Monday morning, the temperature is 67, the humidity is low at 76%, the breeze is blowing, the sun is coming up ~ it's perfect!
This past week really got to me. I wasn't necessarily sick - I just didn't feel good. There were two events I really wanted to go to and I just couldn't do it. Kerry offered to drive me, but I just couldn't do it.
Betty and Kerry and I drove to Fern's on Tuesday for another genealogy day, and we had a few more successes! Sometimes it's more important to be sure what you have is correct rather than try to keep going back as far as you can.
Friday was one of the busiest days I've ever seen at the temple. My poor little temple workers were worn out at the end of the day! But, it's always a good tired...
Kerry and I really slept in on Saturday, but not before going to the Farmer's Market and a little church where used clothing is accepted and sold. We bring - but we also look around. It's always fill your bag for $2.
Then, we went to two socials. In the pouring rain, we went to another local church that always has the best food. They also had a car show, and we wondered how many would actually be there. The place was packed! We then went to our own church for another social. Again, we slept deep and hard that night.
I taught Relief Society for Natalie Williams on Sunday. I think the lesson went alright - Kerry's charts were really a hit. That evening he went to Stake Priesthood Meeting in Columbus.
Now begins another week. We will be going to Utah next week so Kerry can attend his 40th class reunion!!!! We will also go to Oregon and spend a few days with Miss Harmony. It will be good to see her again.
Kerry and I love our home - we love to hit the road - and we love coming home again. A couple of months ago, we made a trip to New York City on the spur of the moment. We had so much fun just walking the streets, seeing the sites and grazing.
We saw the Trump Tower - too big, too gaudy...
I was really impressed with this building. I would love to spent some time wandering around in there. All around me, people were dressed in such attire that you knew they were going in there for classes or rehearsals.
We grazed on gyros.
We saw lots of cars with lots of parking tickets.
We visited our temple.
Then we said goodbye and came home. It was just a fun adventure!
Last week, a few of you asked why the newspaper article I wrote was the last one. Several years ago, the News Journal formed a group of people called "Opinion Shapers". Thirteen people were chosen to write four columns during the coming year. Kerry was one of the first. I believe a couple of years later he was chosen again.
After awhile, they just kind of did away with the columns, then revved them up again this past year. Twelve others and me were chosen, and my fourth column was last week. I believe I included them each time in my newsletter to you.
Well, off I go...
Miss P
Sunday, August 8, 2010
What do you two do all day?
We sure do get that question a lot! Since Kerry is retired, just what do you two do all day?
We wonder how we had time to do all of the stuff we wanted to do when Kerry was working, or when we had our family here, or... Actually, our days are usually quite filled, and we are just loving it! That's probably because it takes me twice as long to get half as much done!
A couple of days this week were hot and steamy, and we just didn't do anything. It's probably the laziest we have been in a long time. The heat and humidity just completely zapped us. Toward the end of the week, it was much, much more pleasant.
Last Monday, Mr. Kerry got up early and spent the morning working in the Bishop's Storehouse in Columbus. Our ward has assignments there every few weeks, and he volunteered to go. They filled food orders to help others in need.
That evening, we went to an auction held at the Ohio Genealogical Society's old building. Everything was going quite inexpensively, and we got several things we had our eye on.
Later in the evening, we had a phone call from sister Betty. She had been at the hospital all evening with husband Pete, who had suffered a stroke. On his birthday! His right arm was numb and his face was drooping. Her daughter-in-law, Erin, rode in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, and the stroke team was in place when he arrived.
The power of prayer pulled him through, for in a short amount of time the effects of the stroke had begun to reverse. Some may attribute it all to good doctors and powerful medicines - and I strongly believe in those things, as well. Peter, Jordan's two little preemie babies, my own self and many others' lives have been preserved because of being blessed by living in this modern world.
But, that's not the only reason.
Pete came home Wednesday. He still has a bit of weakness in his right hand/arm, but he's alive and doing well.
Kerry is on the editorial board at our local newspaper, and while he was at his Wednesday meeting, sister Fern and Jim met me at the new OGS building. I had some particular success. Kerry met us at the Amish restaurant at noon, then Fern went on back for more research.
Friday found Kerry and I at the temple again. We were very busy, but in the back of my mind I was remembering the events of 27 years ago - a wonderful baby boy was welcomed into our family. Jordan Christopher Lauritzen came into this world during a very hot summer.
He was born on his due date. He was the second largest baby born to us - 10 lb. 1 oz. I had been a gestational diabetic with each baby - and I was at my worst with him, my blood sugar peaking at around 400. Kerry and I stayed with my parents in Akron for the few days before his birth, for I was a high-risk pregnancy and the care was better there.
Kerry nearly delivered him. The doctor was called in from the golf course and was coming in every few minutes to check on me. After some slow hours, he was talking with others in the hallway when Kerry decided himself to check me. His eyes grew wide, for Jordan was nearly here! Kerry scrambled out to the hall to get them in and came back to be with me. Everything was moving in slow motion up until then.
Jordan and Kerry on the day of his blessing (christening)
I've always loved this picture - just a little boy being a little boy.
Jordan at a park in a canyon Kerry's parents took us to.
He was always really photogenic.
Another one of my favorites. This was taken in our front yard. Our kids began going to the library and participating in Story Hour when they were just babes in arms, so books were a familiar extension of their arms and hands.
He was lovable and always very laid back.
My mom always loved pictures where children were smelling flowers.
He was a "middle child", but a very important part of our family. This was taken on top of Cadillac Mountain - Acadia National Park in Maine.
He and Erik were only 10 months apart.
He served in the Army.
He met and fell in love with Melissa.
And he's a really good father today.
On the day of his birthday - Friday - Kerry and Erik and I went out and celebrated it. We will be with Jordan a bit later on...
Saturday was a day filled with the bounty of the local Farmer's Market. It has nearly tripled in size since the beginning of summer. This has been a wonderful year for good and hearty produce, and we are thankful for it.
That evening found us at two different socials - the annual Corn Roast for the Clear Fork Ward, and the annual softball game and cookout for our own ward. Fortunately, they were only about a mile apart, so we went to both. Kerry was the umpire for the game. It was all a lot of fun, but I teased Kerry and told him he was the only despised one that night.
I was happy to play for Mr. Kerry today as he sang a solo in church - "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing", and hymn and a tune universally loved by all.
It was also the day for my last column to appear in our local newspaper. It has been kind of fun writing them, but it's time to bring them to a close. If you're interested, here's the link:
Have a wonderful week!
Miss P
We wonder how we had time to do all of the stuff we wanted to do when Kerry was working, or when we had our family here, or... Actually, our days are usually quite filled, and we are just loving it! That's probably because it takes me twice as long to get half as much done!
A couple of days this week were hot and steamy, and we just didn't do anything. It's probably the laziest we have been in a long time. The heat and humidity just completely zapped us. Toward the end of the week, it was much, much more pleasant.
Last Monday, Mr. Kerry got up early and spent the morning working in the Bishop's Storehouse in Columbus. Our ward has assignments there every few weeks, and he volunteered to go. They filled food orders to help others in need.
That evening, we went to an auction held at the Ohio Genealogical Society's old building. Everything was going quite inexpensively, and we got several things we had our eye on.
Later in the evening, we had a phone call from sister Betty. She had been at the hospital all evening with husband Pete, who had suffered a stroke. On his birthday! His right arm was numb and his face was drooping. Her daughter-in-law, Erin, rode in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, and the stroke team was in place when he arrived.
The power of prayer pulled him through, for in a short amount of time the effects of the stroke had begun to reverse. Some may attribute it all to good doctors and powerful medicines - and I strongly believe in those things, as well. Peter, Jordan's two little preemie babies, my own self and many others' lives have been preserved because of being blessed by living in this modern world.
But, that's not the only reason.
Pete came home Wednesday. He still has a bit of weakness in his right hand/arm, but he's alive and doing well.
Kerry is on the editorial board at our local newspaper, and while he was at his Wednesday meeting, sister Fern and Jim met me at the new OGS building. I had some particular success. Kerry met us at the Amish restaurant at noon, then Fern went on back for more research.
Friday found Kerry and I at the temple again. We were very busy, but in the back of my mind I was remembering the events of 27 years ago - a wonderful baby boy was welcomed into our family. Jordan Christopher Lauritzen came into this world during a very hot summer.
He was born on his due date. He was the second largest baby born to us - 10 lb. 1 oz. I had been a gestational diabetic with each baby - and I was at my worst with him, my blood sugar peaking at around 400. Kerry and I stayed with my parents in Akron for the few days before his birth, for I was a high-risk pregnancy and the care was better there.
Kerry nearly delivered him. The doctor was called in from the golf course and was coming in every few minutes to check on me. After some slow hours, he was talking with others in the hallway when Kerry decided himself to check me. His eyes grew wide, for Jordan was nearly here! Kerry scrambled out to the hall to get them in and came back to be with me. Everything was moving in slow motion up until then.
Jordan and Kerry on the day of his blessing (christening)
I've always loved this picture - just a little boy being a little boy.
Jordan at a park in a canyon Kerry's parents took us to.
He was always really photogenic.
Another one of my favorites. This was taken in our front yard. Our kids began going to the library and participating in Story Hour when they were just babes in arms, so books were a familiar extension of their arms and hands.
He was lovable and always very laid back.
My mom always loved pictures where children were smelling flowers.
He was a "middle child", but a very important part of our family. This was taken on top of Cadillac Mountain - Acadia National Park in Maine.
He and Erik were only 10 months apart.
He served in the Army.
He met and fell in love with Melissa.
And he's a really good father today.
On the day of his birthday - Friday - Kerry and Erik and I went out and celebrated it. We will be with Jordan a bit later on...
Saturday was a day filled with the bounty of the local Farmer's Market. It has nearly tripled in size since the beginning of summer. This has been a wonderful year for good and hearty produce, and we are thankful for it.
That evening found us at two different socials - the annual Corn Roast for the Clear Fork Ward, and the annual softball game and cookout for our own ward. Fortunately, they were only about a mile apart, so we went to both. Kerry was the umpire for the game. It was all a lot of fun, but I teased Kerry and told him he was the only despised one that night.
I was happy to play for Mr. Kerry today as he sang a solo in church - "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing", and hymn and a tune universally loved by all.
It was also the day for my last column to appear in our local newspaper. It has been kind of fun writing them, but it's time to bring them to a close. If you're interested, here's the link:
Have a wonderful week!
Miss P
Monday, August 2, 2010
Buttermilk skies
Where have I been?
Wow, I have really been neglectful of writing my missives, and Miss Waunita asked me at church today if she had been taken off my list.
No, I've been taken off my own list.
We've had a couple of wild weeks that made me have to draw all of my energies toward other things. But, hopefully things will be a little smoother now.
One of those weeks I missed had both Kerry and I involved in a lot of doctor's appointments - tune-ups, as we call them. As time catches up to us, it becomes more and more important that we stay healthy and try to catch things before they happen. I guess when I was younger, I felt I was going to live forever. Now, I have more of a reverence for life - especially my own. As we saw with son Peter, one never knows when one is going to wake up dead. We want to be as healthy as long as we can, and not leave this earth because of something maybe we could have prevented.
We took a wonderful short trip up to Palmyra, NY to see the Hill Cumorah Pageant. Our family was in it 14 years ago (do you remember that, kids?). It is a beautiful outdoor drama held in the Fingerlakes Region of New York. We have lots of fond memories from there. We met friends Martin and Stephanie there, and enjoyed our evening together.
On our way back, we stopped by Glenn and Karen Keck's farm just in time to celebrate Pioneer Day with the rest of our church friends. Good people. Good food. Good times. Lowella and her husband were there with their beautiful big Percheron horses, too. They gave wagon rides to everyone.
The next week was a bit easier, thank goodness. Not a whole lot happened, except for our usual Farmer's Market trips. I did go with Kerry to one of the baseball games he's been umpiring all summer.
But, the busiest time was this past week. Each summer, the Ohio Genealogical Society (OGS) sponsors a Summertime Workshop. They've done it for the past 10-12 years, and I have spoken at nearly every one of them. (Two years ago, I wasn't able - had just had surgery for bowel obstruction. Took most of the year to recuperate).
Beginning last Sunday evening with a reception, I was there every day but Friday. I told them never to count on me on Friday, for that's the day Kerry and I are in Columbus. We had a private tour of their new building that was dedicated a week ago ($2.5 million). It is a phenomenal building. We went into the areas that are typically closed to the public.
Monday began with me - the first one right out of the chute. The people were wonderful - coming from all over the United States. One year we had a man from Switzerland. I loved being with my colleagues. I learned a lot from them, too. Next year, they'll have it in June again. The new building's opening kind of shifted things around a little.
Samuel Isaly (remember Isaly's chip-chopped ham?) donated the remaining funds for the building. He was there for the dedication and brought tons of Klondike bars. His father invented them. We ate them all week!
After a scrumptious dinner following our day at the temple Friday, we came home and just died. Just died. I had been on my feet for most of the week, and I was tired. Then, Saturday morning found us at our usual spots - Farmer's Markets, shopping, Kerry going back to work at the temple, me mowing the field.
We have been enjoying lots and lots of blackberries from the back field. They are everywhere, and they are SO good. Produce at the Farmer's Markets has doubled, and fruits and vegetables are in full swing.
I love summer.
But, I have also noticed leaves that are already beginning to turn. Some leaves are even in the front yard already. And, as hot as it's been - we've had a few cool mornings that felt like fall.
I appreciate all of you wondering if I was still around. I am - and I hope to be for a few more good years!
This month, we wish a happy birthday to:
Pete - Betty's husband - Aug 2
Ethan - grandson of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 5
JORDAN!!! - our son!!! - the only child born on his due date - Aug 6
Maia - granddaughter of Kerry's brother, David - Aug 9
Christian - son of Kerry's sister, Joy - Aug 11
Juvan - grandson of Kerry's sister, Content - Aug 11
Linda Clark - our Florida friend - Aug 11
Joy - Kerry's sister - Aug 12
Brooke - Betty's daughter - Aug 18
Jacob - grandson of Kerry's sister, Content - Aug 21
Courtney - granddaughter of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 29
Cameron - grandson of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 29
And a happy anniversary to:
Kelly & Marion - Kerry's brother and s-i-l - their original marriage date is Aug 5 - but they celebrate another day
Frank & Terri - my genealogy friends - Aug 8
Brad & Sofia - son and d-i-l of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 12
Have a wonderful week!!!
Miss P
Wow, I have really been neglectful of writing my missives, and Miss Waunita asked me at church today if she had been taken off my list.
No, I've been taken off my own list.
We've had a couple of wild weeks that made me have to draw all of my energies toward other things. But, hopefully things will be a little smoother now.
One of those weeks I missed had both Kerry and I involved in a lot of doctor's appointments - tune-ups, as we call them. As time catches up to us, it becomes more and more important that we stay healthy and try to catch things before they happen. I guess when I was younger, I felt I was going to live forever. Now, I have more of a reverence for life - especially my own. As we saw with son Peter, one never knows when one is going to wake up dead. We want to be as healthy as long as we can, and not leave this earth because of something maybe we could have prevented.
We took a wonderful short trip up to Palmyra, NY to see the Hill Cumorah Pageant. Our family was in it 14 years ago (do you remember that, kids?). It is a beautiful outdoor drama held in the Fingerlakes Region of New York. We have lots of fond memories from there. We met friends Martin and Stephanie there, and enjoyed our evening together.
On our way back, we stopped by Glenn and Karen Keck's farm just in time to celebrate Pioneer Day with the rest of our church friends. Good people. Good food. Good times. Lowella and her husband were there with their beautiful big Percheron horses, too. They gave wagon rides to everyone.
The next week was a bit easier, thank goodness. Not a whole lot happened, except for our usual Farmer's Market trips. I did go with Kerry to one of the baseball games he's been umpiring all summer.
But, the busiest time was this past week. Each summer, the Ohio Genealogical Society (OGS) sponsors a Summertime Workshop. They've done it for the past 10-12 years, and I have spoken at nearly every one of them. (Two years ago, I wasn't able - had just had surgery for bowel obstruction. Took most of the year to recuperate).
Beginning last Sunday evening with a reception, I was there every day but Friday. I told them never to count on me on Friday, for that's the day Kerry and I are in Columbus. We had a private tour of their new building that was dedicated a week ago ($2.5 million). It is a phenomenal building. We went into the areas that are typically closed to the public.
Monday began with me - the first one right out of the chute. The people were wonderful - coming from all over the United States. One year we had a man from Switzerland. I loved being with my colleagues. I learned a lot from them, too. Next year, they'll have it in June again. The new building's opening kind of shifted things around a little.
Samuel Isaly (remember Isaly's chip-chopped ham?) donated the remaining funds for the building. He was there for the dedication and brought tons of Klondike bars. His father invented them. We ate them all week!
After a scrumptious dinner following our day at the temple Friday, we came home and just died. Just died. I had been on my feet for most of the week, and I was tired. Then, Saturday morning found us at our usual spots - Farmer's Markets, shopping, Kerry going back to work at the temple, me mowing the field.
We have been enjoying lots and lots of blackberries from the back field. They are everywhere, and they are SO good. Produce at the Farmer's Markets has doubled, and fruits and vegetables are in full swing.
I love summer.
But, I have also noticed leaves that are already beginning to turn. Some leaves are even in the front yard already. And, as hot as it's been - we've had a few cool mornings that felt like fall.
I appreciate all of you wondering if I was still around. I am - and I hope to be for a few more good years!
This month, we wish a happy birthday to:
Pete - Betty's husband - Aug 2
Ethan - grandson of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 5
JORDAN!!! - our son!!! - the only child born on his due date - Aug 6
Maia - granddaughter of Kerry's brother, David - Aug 9
Christian - son of Kerry's sister, Joy - Aug 11
Juvan - grandson of Kerry's sister, Content - Aug 11
Linda Clark - our Florida friend - Aug 11
Joy - Kerry's sister - Aug 12
Brooke - Betty's daughter - Aug 18
Jacob - grandson of Kerry's sister, Content - Aug 21
Courtney - granddaughter of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 29
Cameron - grandson of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 29
And a happy anniversary to:
Kelly & Marion - Kerry's brother and s-i-l - their original marriage date is Aug 5 - but they celebrate another day
Frank & Terri - my genealogy friends - Aug 8
Brad & Sofia - son and d-i-l of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 12
Have a wonderful week!!!
Miss P
Monday, July 12, 2010
Oh, the joys of retirement!
After having both new tires and brakes installed on our little Ford Escape, and being grateful we could do so, we had a wonderful week.
It's wonderful being able to pick up and go. This pick-up-and-go week involved being with Jordan and his little family to celebrate Jayden's birthday! Oh, it was just three short years ago that we wondered if the little (and I do mean LITTLE) fellow was going to make it. Look at the difference in these pictures:
He arrived at 27 weeks, weighing 2 lbs 12 oz
Today - you can never tell he had such an early start to his life!
The grandboys are stairsteps - just like my own kids were. And---they can do no wrong (in their grandparents' eyes!)
We also enjoyed our usual farmer's market this week, along with a street mart. I just love looking around and seeing what I can't live without. A few weeks ago, we enjoyed a free community meal at one of the local little churches. They also have "Clothes Line" each Saturday, where one can fill a bag for $2. I've decided that instead of taking my clothes to a consignment shop, I will be donating them to this little church. They do good things for the community, and I want to give.
It was very, very hot in Ohio this week. I was particularly thankful that I didn't have to worry about Mr. Kerry delivering mail in the blistering heat. Some days, we just laid in our air-conditioned bedroom and read. It was just too, too hot.
I couldn't help but think of my own mother in all of this hot weather, for it was 55 years ago this week that she delivered me. She was 41 years old - a bit old in 1955 to start a second family.
My mom on 4 Jul 1955 - just four days before I was born.
Look how cute I used to be!
My dad, Chester, baptizing me on my 8th birthday - 1963.
And, this is me today...
I remember mom telling me about a church picnic held at a local park when I would have been about 2 years old. It might have been at the same time I was pictured in the photo above in the little stroller.
She had painted her toenails red. Bright red. At this park, there were swans - and they chased her all over the park trying to peck at her toenails. I guess they thought they were berries.
She ended up eating her picnic dinner in the car.
I always do a lot of reflecting around my birthday. This year, I again concluded that I've had a very good life.
I was raised by good parents.
I've always had a home.
I've married the man of my dreams.
I had the privilege of raising a family.
I was raised with good morals and principles, and with a knowledge of the Lord.
Kerry and I were blessed with his having a good job.
I have had good health - with a few mishaps along the way - but with good doctors and the Priesthood I have always recovered.
I have learned to love this beautiful earth. And, I do mean beautiful.
I have learned to cherish my ancestors and my descendants.
I have had times when I've been poor - but, I've always been rich.
I was born in American - in the land of freedom.
Everything that is important to have in this life - I have had. It just doesn't get much better than that.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes you sent to me. I used to get a card from my insurance agent and the man we bought a van from 20 years ago. And, Janet! Always my Janet!!!
Love to you all......
Miss P
After having both new tires and brakes installed on our little Ford Escape, and being grateful we could do so, we had a wonderful week.
It's wonderful being able to pick up and go. This pick-up-and-go week involved being with Jordan and his little family to celebrate Jayden's birthday! Oh, it was just three short years ago that we wondered if the little (and I do mean LITTLE) fellow was going to make it. Look at the difference in these pictures:
He arrived at 27 weeks, weighing 2 lbs 12 oz
Today - you can never tell he had such an early start to his life!
The grandboys are stairsteps - just like my own kids were. And---they can do no wrong (in their grandparents' eyes!)
We also enjoyed our usual farmer's market this week, along with a street mart. I just love looking around and seeing what I can't live without. A few weeks ago, we enjoyed a free community meal at one of the local little churches. They also have "Clothes Line" each Saturday, where one can fill a bag for $2. I've decided that instead of taking my clothes to a consignment shop, I will be donating them to this little church. They do good things for the community, and I want to give.
It was very, very hot in Ohio this week. I was particularly thankful that I didn't have to worry about Mr. Kerry delivering mail in the blistering heat. Some days, we just laid in our air-conditioned bedroom and read. It was just too, too hot.
I couldn't help but think of my own mother in all of this hot weather, for it was 55 years ago this week that she delivered me. She was 41 years old - a bit old in 1955 to start a second family.
My mom on 4 Jul 1955 - just four days before I was born.
Look how cute I used to be!
My dad, Chester, baptizing me on my 8th birthday - 1963.
And, this is me today...
I remember mom telling me about a church picnic held at a local park when I would have been about 2 years old. It might have been at the same time I was pictured in the photo above in the little stroller.
She had painted her toenails red. Bright red. At this park, there were swans - and they chased her all over the park trying to peck at her toenails. I guess they thought they were berries.
She ended up eating her picnic dinner in the car.
I always do a lot of reflecting around my birthday. This year, I again concluded that I've had a very good life.
I was raised by good parents.
I've always had a home.
I've married the man of my dreams.
I had the privilege of raising a family.
I was raised with good morals and principles, and with a knowledge of the Lord.
Kerry and I were blessed with his having a good job.
I have had good health - with a few mishaps along the way - but with good doctors and the Priesthood I have always recovered.
I have learned to love this beautiful earth. And, I do mean beautiful.
I have learned to cherish my ancestors and my descendants.
I have had times when I've been poor - but, I've always been rich.
I was born in American - in the land of freedom.
Everything that is important to have in this life - I have had. It just doesn't get much better than that.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes you sent to me. I used to get a card from my insurance agent and the man we bought a van from 20 years ago. And, Janet! Always my Janet!!!
Love to you all......
Miss P
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