Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dew Point

Oh, it's been hot! Heat and humidity - even though I grew up here in Ohio, I've never gotten used to the humidity. It just drags me down. The dew point (heat and humidity index) has been 73 - when it's between 65-70, it's getting pretty oppressive.

I took a shower last night and never have gotten dry.

The past couple of weeks have been easy and relaxing for us. Kerry and I still work at the temple every Friday, and he even pulled an extra day yesterday. We don't go out every day, but we do combine trips when we do. We love going to Farmer's Markets, ice cream socials, etc. We even did a day trip through Pennsylvania a couple of weeks ago. It was just beautiful.

There has been an epidemic of gout. First, Jean had it - then, Jordan - then, me. It is so painful - and there's no pain medication that I've ever taken that even touches it. I used to think just old me who drank a lot got it. I was wrong.

My back continues to plague me. If you'll remember, I re-injured it when we ran over a rough bump in the road in Kentucky. I was sitting over the wheel well in the back of my sister's van, and I took the brunt of the hit. Most nights, I'm going to sleep on the heating pad and taking more pain medication than I did after surgery.

But, life is still good. I don't want to just sit around complaining when I really have had a good and wonderful life.

I appreciate many of you asking how I'm doing in regard to coping with Peter's death. Please don't ever be afraid to ask. Some days are better than others. For some strange reason, I find that it's more difficult now than it was right after his death. What I wouldn't give to hear his voice again!

I still have his suitcase and belongings downstairs. I've tried to go through them on three different occasions - and I just can't do it. There's something final about the process. Plus, his scent still keeps wafting out.

I just can't do it. I just can't. At least, not yet.

I also appreciate all of the comments you sent to me about my military pictures. For some reason, two of the pictures did not come through, and I DO NOT WANT TO FORGET THEM! Hence:

Brendan and Paul - sons of Kerry's brother, Chris

Wilson - brother of Kerry's father, Orson. A special story about him is featured in our church curriculum:
Begin class by sharing the following experience of Wilson P. Lauritzen:

“We were fighting in the ‘Battle of the Bulge’ near the town of Ammonius, Belgium. By that time the Germans were on the defensive. We had just succeeded in cutting off or surrounding a sector of the German line. They were surrendering in large numbers. As we were disarming the soldiers, one of them said to me in broken English: ‘Would you know if there are any Mormon soldiers in your unit?’ I replied, ‘Yes, I am a Mormon.’ He asked, ‘Do you hold the priesthood?’ ‘Yes, I do,’ I answered. ‘I was married in the temple.’ ‘Would you be so kind as to come with me to that shell hole over there and administer to my buddy? He is pretty well shaken up, and pretty badly wounded.’ Of course I consented to go. We found that his buddy was in a bad condition and was suffering much pain. Then the two of us, who a few short hours before had been on opposite sides in the bitter struggle, knelt down and administered to the wounded lad. And as we did so, I felt the spirit of the Lord very strongly. I know that that feeling was shared by them, too. As we finished, the litter-bearers were there. We lifted the broken body to the stretcher. Then our ways parted: the wounded boy was taken to the hospital; the German soldier was sent back with the other prisoners, and I went on with my other duties” (as quoted by Spencer W. Kimball, in Albert L. Zobell, Jr., Storyteller’s Scrapbook [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1948], pp. 112–13).

Plus, I also forgot the birthday of Reed Jarvis, the newest member of the extended Lauritzen family. He's the lucky man who married Kerry's sister, Joy in April. His birthday: Jun 1.

Have a wonderful week!

Miss P

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