Monday, May 17, 2010

Cold and wet and dreary and a day late!

Oh, I'm so cold! It's been wet and dreary all day, and my bones ache! I've got my laptop on my lap to keep warm...

Kerry and I are having the best time as retired people. Well, at least he retired. I'm just kind of doing what I've always done. We plan our trips so we don't waste gas, we are careful with what we buy - but we've always done that, too. People have asked me if I'm tired of him yet. No, not yet - but the day isn't over yet...

Last week was full of some good activities. Kerry went to Relief Society with me on Tuesday evening. Brother (Doctor) Drake is a cardiologist here in Mansfield, and he specifically spoke on heart disease that evening. When he would mention certain foods or activities we should stay away from, or incorporate into our lives, Kerry would just kind of look at me and smile. For the past few years we've been doing most of those things. We still have some improving to do, but we're trying.

On Thursday, I took Alice Graves to a number of places. She had both of her feet operated on a week earlier - they removed four neuromas (tumors) from one, and repaired severe plantar fasciitis on her other. It had broken off two bone spurs on the heel, and she had been walking on them. The doctor said things were looking quite well - and she has had no pain. Well, she did have a little bit one day, but ibuprofen took it away. I also took her to run some errands, and we celebrated her birthday at Porky's. I used to be jealous because her birthday was before mine. I'm not jealous anymore.

Thursday, we ran to Columbus for a quick trip to my doctor. It has now been two years since I had a bowel obstruction that nearly did me in, and I must be checked every few months. I am so afraid I will have the same thing happen to me again - and it could.

Friday night was a night filled with the good smell of chili. It was our annual chili cookoff at church, plus a dessert auction. It's always great fun.

For some reason, I was absolutely exhausted on Saturday. I had no umph at all. But, we did go to Columbus again (for the third day in a row) for Stake Conference. Oh, it was excellent, as was the meeting at our building on Sunday. I felt uplifted and ready to meet my challenges.

On Sunday evening, I received some sad, sad news. Years ago, we had a family that lived here in Mansfield with the cutest kids. One of the little boys fell on a stick and was blind in his left eye. He was so adorable. He later had a prosthesis in that eye.

On facebook, I received a notice from his mother that he was missing in Montana, and that the whole family needed our prayers. This is what I received Sunday evening:

Marlene Morris Kaufman Stapleton
My precious child, Michael, has returned to our Father in Heaven. A fisherman found Mike's body on a sand bar in the river near his home in Whitehall, MT. today. I am so thankful we have been blessed with Michael's sweet spirit for almost 42 years. He would be 42, June 8. I am so grateful we always, freely expressed our love for each other each ... See Moretime we spoke by phone or in person. He truly lived for his four children, Kori, Kaleb, Kaiden, and Kolbe and had a love for them like no other. Please continue to keep his children and my other children in your prayers. Bill, Jr., Malena, and Adrienne are also devastated. Thank all of you for your love, prayers, fasting, concern, and friendship.

As a mother, my heart goes out to her. I know exactly how she feels.

Love to y'all...
Miss P

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