Sunday, May 2, 2010

Popcorn popping!

I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping...

Oh, the blossoms are so beautiful! They are just lingering on and on, and their splendor takes my breath away.

And, I do mean they take my breath away.

I have developed allergies. At first, I thought I was getting sick. My throat was sore, my eyes were watery, and I had a feeling of general malaise. I didn't feel sick, I just didn't feel good. I called the doctor a couple of times, but they assured me if I didn't have a fever, there wasn't really anything to be done.

When I worked at the temple on Friday, people were concerned about my really deep throat - but I assured them I really wasn't sick. Amazingly, a Zyrtec made me feel quite a bit better.

Kerry and I are still enjoying being with each other. Throughout his post office career, he rarely had a weekend off - only every six weeks. It made it difficult when the kids had activities and sports on Saturdays. I juggled myself around to as many places as I could. He had a rotating day off each week, and we would usually go out for lunch, as it was cheaper. We used that as our weekly "date".

Now, I'm glad that it worked out that way. Upon being empty nesters and retirement, we are not strangers. As important as it was to focus on our children and their lives, it was even more important to focus on our own relationship. We thoroughly enjoy each other.

I appreciate those of you who sent kind words to us as we buried Mr. Peter last week. I believe I may have mentioned that a few of his friends also gathered in Florida last week to celebrate the 31st anniversary of his birth. They had dinner at one of his favorite restaurants and shared some memories of Peter. That really touched me. I will never forget the kindnesses that others have done for me.

I guess I don't have much to say this week. I just wish that many of you could see just how beautiful Ohio is in the springtime. The green that comes through at this time of year is just not repeated again until next year. It truly takes my breath away.


Love to y'all...
Miss P

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