Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh, deer!

It was a cold and beautiful week.

Just about every day and every evening we had things to do. One day, as I was driving in the country on a very cold, crisp, sunny day I saw two deer in a field just running, leaping, and playing with all their might. I literally had to stop the car and watch. They were having so much fun! I wish I could gallop.

Tuesday was a busy day spent in preparation at the hospital. For those that aren't aware yet, I am having back surgery on Dec 22. Yes, Dec 22.

This back of mine has plagued me for at least seven years. My feet are numb. When I Play the organ, I can't feel the pedals - I just have to guess I'm hitting the right ones. When I drive, I have to glance down to make sure I've lifted my foot up high enough to put on the brake. My entire left leg will go numb and burn clear up to the hip. Kerry will pull on it, bring it up clear over my head, etc. I did find one thing that would help - I sit with my legs apart and curl my body forward.

Even that doesn't help anymore.

The MRI's that were taken show lumbar/sacral spondylopathy. My spinal cord is encompassed with arthritis, and I have one disc that has bulged forward and one that has bulged backward.

Physical therapy, pain management, and shots of cortisone have not helped. Hence - it's time for surgery. And, I'm scared.

I went for pre-op testing on Tuesday while Mr. Kerry waited on me. It took two hours. I met with Occupational Therapy, the anesthesiologist, had blood drawn, had an EKG taken, and answered a myriad of questions. I had three people ask me if I could possibly have or have been exposed to HIV, aids, or hepatitis. Thank goodness I have not - at least since earlier this year.

Some have asked why I'm having it during the week of Christmas. Well, first of all - our deductible is met. Second - none of my kids will be home for Christmas. Third - if I have to wear a back brace, I'd rather wear it in the middle of winter than in the middle of summer.

I will also be fitted with a bone growth stimulator, which I will wear for 30 min. a day for nine months.

This is pretty major. There may be blood transfusions. There will be bone grafting. It will hurt.

And I'm scared.

Next week will be my last missive of the year, I think. I promise to keep y'all posted.

My feet are also giving me fits. I went to the foot doctor, who gave me cortisone in my foot. He feels the surgery may help the pain in my feet. He watched me walk and just wagged his head.

That evening, I went to a lovely meeting in Clear Fork Ward concerning the temple. They wanted me there to answer any questions that may come up. I had Mr. Kerry drive me - even though it was a women's meeting. It was just beautiful - and SO uplifting!

Friday at the temple was a bit moderate. I was in quite a bit of pain - even having trouble getting up from my chair at lunch. Immediately, two of my workers which are nurses came to me and knew just how to get me up. I did leave a bit early that day. I came home, took a pain pill, and laid down before going to our Ward Christmas Party.

This week finds me in the final preparations before my surgery. Kerry switched the beds so I have the queen sized one to sleep on and recuperate on. Fern brought me a WONDERFUL feather bed to lay on top of our mattress. Oh, I can't even begin to describe. I'm trying to anticipate everything I may need to have moved to the first floor. Two women at church will be taking turns coming here to help me out. Meals will be brought in. Others have offered to help wherever I may need them.

Yes, I'll try to keep everyone posted. But, just as we pray for others that have asked for our prayers, we have prayed for my doctor, too. God answers our prayers. He's always been at my side.

Love to y'all...
Miss P

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