Sunday, June 14, 2009

Such gentle little bugs...

I saw the first lightning bugs of the season tonight! As I was walking Mr. Eddie, I had my own little fireworks show as these gentle little bugs began to sparkle through the fields and trees. They serve no purpose that I know of. My kids would catch them and put them in jars - using them as a flashlight. One night, Kerry and I were entertained when one got stuck on our ceiling fan and it twirled around for hours - giving us a little laser show.

But, enough of bugs.

I have been painting all week. There is a room downstairs that is basically a "nothing" room. When we first moved here, it was where we put our freezer. Then, my office and genealogy files and computer ended up there. Then, I painted the dark paneling white and turned it into a bedroom. Two of my kids had it for their bedroom.

When I had it for an office, I was just getting used to email and computers and such. I belonged to a Mountain Recipe list and enjoyed just reading through the recipes. One day, I was clicking through my emails and saw one that I thought said "hot spuds". It seemed like an interesting title. I clicked on it.

Oh, my gosh! All of a sudden, this man's rear end began filling up the screen. I wasn't wearing my glasses, and the title had actually read "hot studs". I was mortified and kept trying to get it off my screen.

It was at that moment that my kids decided to enter the room. "MOM! What are you looking at?" Of course, they didn't believe any of my excuses. They helped me close it down, and teased me about it.

Soon after, I began receiving all of this correspondence from Gay and Lesbian web sites. You know, sometimes I just wanna...

But now, it was time for a new phase.

I wanted to begin painting it a year ago, but my enthusiasm gave way to a year of surgeries and recuperation. I finally got my groove back. I knew I would be painting the window and door frames white, but just couldn't make up my mind about the walls. Then, while perusing at Walmart, I found cans of paint that were 50% off - nothing was wrong with them - they just were the wrong shade and a customer didn't want them. I found one that looked interesting and bought it. At 50% off, I was determined to make myself like it.

I love it! I would NEVER have chosen this from the paint cards, for sometimes I have no vision. It's almost mud colored. But, framed in white it is just right. It also made an interesting hair color and nail polish. Now, we will move bunk beds down to that room and just have it for a spare.

Jean and I made the trip to Planktown for some meats, cheeses, and pantry items. It is SO much cheaper there - especially when we make a marathon trip every few weeks.

I enjoyed lunch with Fern and Jim this past Wednesday. They, along with Jean and Earl, met at Olive Garden. We haven't gotten together much lately, due to some health problems with various family members. We cherish each moment.

Kerry and I enjoyed working at the temple on Friday. We only get to do that every six weeks when he has a long weekend. On the way home, we stopped at a little country church for an ice cream social. It's that time of year when they just begin popping up everywhere. We love going to them, for they always bring out their best. We had a great dinner, came home to let Eddie get over his madness at being left at home all day, went to Walmart, got ice cream (Eddie loves ice cream!), came home, and I mowed the back field. A full day.

But, I sure was stoved up all day. At the temple, my little workers were grinning at me as I gimped around. For some reason, my hind legs hurt. I thought it would be my arm and shoulder that would be sore from painting. But, it was my hind legs.

After painting some more on Saturday, I went to Joseph Kennedy's graduation party. I can't believe he's all finished with school. It seems like he was just a pup when they moved here. As a matter of fact, we had lots of people graduate this year: Joseph, Kevin Wharton (Master's), David Keck (Ashland University), Julie Cupach (NCSC), Andrea Clark (law school), Content (Kerry's sister - BA in Japanese and BA in Theatre Arts Education), Dane Lauritzen (University of New Mexico), Brennan Lauritzen (high school). I'm so proud of all of these people that have completed a good goal. I'll just bet their parents are so proud of them - Young and old alike!

I've received so many comments about the pictures I include. Y'all seem to like them. Here's a couple more:
This is Kerry's sister, Content. She's #3 of the eleven children.
Betty, Jean, Peggy, Fern, Brooke (Betty's daughter). This is probably about 15 years ago at Betty's cottage at Lake Erie.

Have a good week!
Miss P

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