Sunday, May 23, 2010

Making Waves~~~~~~~~

Kerry and I are old.

After a week of never-ending cold and rain, it finally stopped long enough for us to go out and tackle some of the weeds in our front flower garden. They are always much easier to pull after it rains.

We pulled, tugged, wallowed around trying to get both up and down, grunted, groaned, and generally remembered the scriptures that state that weeds and thorns and thistles are generally here to afflict and torment man. And woman.

Eddie was going crazy. I tied up on a leg of the picnic table where he chewed grass. Soon, I felt something hit me in the back. It was a clod of dirt! He went nuts digging and generally being a dog. It doesn't matter how pedigreed they are, they are still just a dog.

Kerry and I were both sore the next day, but we prepared to get him ready to go on a trip with some of the men from church. For years, they have been going to different places for camping and whitewater rafting. He has never gotten to go, for he always worked on Saturdays. But this year, he's RETIRED!

We assembled food and equipment and he was ready to go. They all went in one van - Spencer Walker and his son, Alex, Glen Keck and his grandson, Hayden, Earnie Mosier and Kerry.

I had the house to myself - again!

Kerry called that evening. The name of the place in Pennsylvania was Ohiopyle. I had him repeat it to me three or four times. Finally, I told him to spell it for me. Ohiopyle? Do a google search - it's on there. I just kept thinking what an insult to Ohio with such a name as that.

Friday, while at the temple, I got a phone call from Kerry. There is a 70-mile trail that some of the others had hiked in different segments. The first seven miles are the worst. He had developed really severe leg cramps after the first several miles (which are ten times what I could have covered!), and he couldn't go on. He couldn't reach the others, they couldn't reach each other, but they all could reach me. And, I could reach them. Good grief. My official assignment at the temple is that of "Coordinator". So, I coordinate at the temple and I coordinate hikes. I got word to the one at base camp, who picked him up a few more miles down the road.

That evening, they all enjoyed steaks and baked potatoes cooked over the fire. Yum-yum!

The next day was whitewater rafting. Now that's where I draw the line. Water and I just don't agree much. I'm even nervous when I rinse my hair. It must have been quite a wild ride, but Kerry said he would do it again - even after falling out twice!

Kerry, Glen Keck and grandson Hayden, Alex Walker and dad Spencer, Earnie Mosier

Kerry is in the second boat, back left.

One of the river guides who kayaked around rescuing people.

I'm not sure what it would take for me to go on one of these trips. Kerry is already talking about next year, when he plans on trekking another part of the trail.

When he arrived home, Eddie went ballistic. There's nothing more boring than a droopy dog. Kerry proceeded to show me his injuries, including his feet. His big toe looked awful. Years ago, when he and Jordan hiked at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, he came back with the same ugly feet. Both he and Jordan had toenails that had turned black. We got them into the foot doctor, and he told them exactly what had happened. It comes from going downhill and jamming the toenail back into the nail bed. We may be at the doctor's again this week for the same thing. (Remember that, Jordan?)

I forgot to mention that last week at Stake Conference, I had some great reunions with old friends. Two were "kids" that I grew up with - Gretchen Keck and her brother, Steve. (Kelly, these are siblings of Gary). It was SO good to see them and do some catching up.

Another one was David Rogers. When he and his family lived here, he was quite the spunky little red-haired kid. He is now a big red-haired man - and a pediatric ophthamologist. He works for Children's Hospital in Columbus, and takes care of newborns and premies at Riverside - right where baby Justin was born! He does eye exams on these little guys to check for any problems - and probably checked Justin, as well.

Two years ago at this time, I was in Riverside with a bowel obstruction. One of the nurses who took care of me at night was a huge black man that scared me to death the first time I saw him. Oh, my! I was delirious anyway, but I nearly shot into orbit when he came in with all of this ugly medical equipment. But, he had the kindest demeanor and gentle voice. I asked if this work is what he was going to continue to do. He said he was the first in his family to graduate from high school, and was now in college. He would be the first to graduate with an advanced degree. I asked him what he wanted to go into.

Pediatric ophthamology.

David said he is now their chief resident.

I'm telling you, this world gets smaller and smaller.

I'll have more adventures next week, for I'm leaving for Kentucky with my sisters for more genealogy...

Love ya!
Miss P

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