Monday, August 2, 2010

Buttermilk skies

Where have I been?

Wow, I have really been neglectful of writing my missives, and Miss Waunita asked me at church today if she had been taken off my list.

No, I've been taken off my own list.

We've had a couple of wild weeks that made me have to draw all of my energies toward other things. But, hopefully things will be a little smoother now.

One of those weeks I missed had both Kerry and I involved in a lot of doctor's appointments - tune-ups, as we call them. As time catches up to us, it becomes more and more important that we stay healthy and try to catch things before they happen. I guess when I was younger, I felt I was going to live forever. Now, I have more of a reverence for life - especially my own. As we saw with son Peter, one never knows when one is going to wake up dead. We want to be as healthy as long as we can, and not leave this earth because of something maybe we could have prevented.

We took a wonderful short trip up to Palmyra, NY to see the Hill Cumorah Pageant. Our family was in it 14 years ago (do you remember that, kids?). It is a beautiful outdoor drama held in the Fingerlakes Region of New York. We have lots of fond memories from there. We met friends Martin and Stephanie there, and enjoyed our evening together.

On our way back, we stopped by Glenn and Karen Keck's farm just in time to celebrate Pioneer Day with the rest of our church friends. Good people. Good food. Good times. Lowella and her husband were there with their beautiful big Percheron horses, too. They gave wagon rides to everyone.

The next week was a bit easier, thank goodness. Not a whole lot happened, except for our usual Farmer's Market trips. I did go with Kerry to one of the baseball games he's been umpiring all summer.

But, the busiest time was this past week. Each summer, the Ohio Genealogical Society (OGS) sponsors a Summertime Workshop. They've done it for the past 10-12 years, and I have spoken at nearly every one of them. (Two years ago, I wasn't able - had just had surgery for bowel obstruction. Took most of the year to recuperate).

Beginning last Sunday evening with a reception, I was there every day but Friday. I told them never to count on me on Friday, for that's the day Kerry and I are in Columbus. We had a private tour of their new building that was dedicated a week ago ($2.5 million). It is a phenomenal building. We went into the areas that are typically closed to the public.

Monday began with me - the first one right out of the chute. The people were wonderful - coming from all over the United States. One year we had a man from Switzerland. I loved being with my colleagues. I learned a lot from them, too. Next year, they'll have it in June again. The new building's opening kind of shifted things around a little.

Samuel Isaly (remember Isaly's chip-chopped ham?) donated the remaining funds for the building. He was there for the dedication and brought tons of Klondike bars. His father invented them. We ate them all week!

After a scrumptious dinner following our day at the temple Friday, we came home and just died. Just died. I had been on my feet for most of the week, and I was tired. Then, Saturday morning found us at our usual spots - Farmer's Markets, shopping, Kerry going back to work at the temple, me mowing the field.

We have been enjoying lots and lots of blackberries from the back field. They are everywhere, and they are SO good. Produce at the Farmer's Markets has doubled, and fruits and vegetables are in full swing.

I love summer.

But, I have also noticed leaves that are already beginning to turn. Some leaves are even in the front yard already. And, as hot as it's been - we've had a few cool mornings that felt like fall.

I appreciate all of you wondering if I was still around. I am - and I hope to be for a few more good years!

This month, we wish a happy birthday to:
Pete - Betty's husband - Aug 2
Ethan - grandson of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 5
JORDAN!!! - our son!!! - the only child born on his due date - Aug 6
Maia - granddaughter of Kerry's brother, David - Aug 9
Christian - son of Kerry's sister, Joy - Aug 11
Juvan - grandson of Kerry's sister, Content - Aug 11
Linda Clark - our Florida friend - Aug 11
Joy - Kerry's sister - Aug 12
Brooke - Betty's daughter - Aug 18
Jacob - grandson of Kerry's sister, Content - Aug 21
Courtney - granddaughter of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 29
Cameron - grandson of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 29

And a happy anniversary to:
Kelly & Marion - Kerry's brother and s-i-l - their original marriage date is Aug 5 - but they celebrate another day
Frank & Terri - my genealogy friends - Aug 8
Brad & Sofia - son and d-i-l of Kerry's brother, Steve - Aug 12

Have a wonderful week!!!
Miss P

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